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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Cute School Girl

Hide and Seek Guide on Kha'Zix by AIice

Hide and Seek Guide on Kha'Zix by AIice

Updated on January 12, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cute School Girl Build Guide By Cute School Girl 4,063 Views 0 Comments
4,063 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cute School Girl Kha'Zix Build Guide By Cute School Girl Updated on January 12, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Overall Shit Cause I CBF

Hi, my Summoner Name is AIice on the OCE Server. I made this guide cause I play Hide and Seek more than I play Ranked. Why I am still Silver. Kha'Zix is by far the best champion in hide and seek besides those movespeed dogs like Udyr, Hecarimn, and Rammus. I don't include Leblanc or Shaco because they are like banned every game.

If you don't know what HNS is, let me explain.
Simply put, its 5 v 2 in Crystal Scar. 5 Hiders and 2 Seekers.Seekers must kill each hider 5 times in a 40 minute time limit. Hiders can only use cc abilities. This means abilities with Slows, Stuns, etc.
No Auto-Attacking
2 Hiders per brush.
No CC locking with multiple champions, you can do it with one though.
Permaban List that is an always:

When your a seeker and you are below 200 hp, you MUST recall. Hiders are not to go into base at any point in the game. When you die, you have grace of 30 seconds. If you do not leave the base within those 30 seconds. It is -1 Life.
Hiders may also use abilities which provide movement but no CC and also healing abilities are allowed aswell. Clairvoyance is banned on Seekers. All summoner spells are allowed except heal on hider team.

Item Bans:
Guardian Angel
Sunfire Cape

If someone is out and they attack you, for every 5 attack or a death caused by them, seekers gain an extra minute to seek hiders. Interrupting recall of seekers is not allowed and is excusable to the host of the game for +1 minute or -1 life on the player.

Killing Yourself by going into fountain is counted as a death.

If one does not recall if under 200 hp, Hider may be allowed to kill the seeker
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Kha'Zix Runes and Other things

Runes may Vary, 4.5% move Speeed isn't needed and can be swapped for Armour, MR and HP, depending on enemy team comp. You usually want to go second pick so you know who your up against instead of being counter picked.

Masteries are self explanatory. 5% bonus CDR cuz you jump more than you run. Tenacity is only needed a little bit cause you'll be jumping so much, they won't even touch you

Summoner Abilities.
Flash stands for Flashing like a SIV HD
Ghost cuz ghost makes you "invisible" and run fast

Max Leap cuz less cdr, W is for a slow on the enemies, Q does jack ****.
Evolve Leap then Ult then Spike Pew Pew Pew thing.
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OK. Items are important.
You must always build cdr tank item on your first death or second death. By the time you have died a second time, you want to start hiding for real and learn spots where the enemy seeker does not usually go to find people. Boots is the first item you buy. Boots of Swiftness with Alacrity. Then, judging the enemy damage out put as magic or physical, check your death recap and building accordingly. First tank item should be Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage. On your second back, if you built Frozen Heart, buy another one and some hp or you can build spooky ghost (Frost Queens Claim). If they have both even AD and AP damage. Then build Spirit Visage after Frozen and spooky ghost. Same with Spirit Visage, another one and spooky ghost or frozen heart and spooky ghost. Dead Mans Plate can be in place of Spooky Ghost. If you build Spooky Ghost first, build Dead Mans directly after, vice versa.

You have at least 35% or 25% CDR. Now all you have to do is know if the seeker has bought oracle, Talisman is my way to go but usually I use my ult for the burst movespeed when they have oracle instead of trying to juke them. You want to stack another tank item with cdr like Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage.

IF you have 5 Items inc. Boots and you do not have 45% CDR, there is a problem. This is without runes. With runes you only need 3 items.

Your last item or 2, should be Armour and HP, MR and HP or full HP with One Movespeed Item.
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This guide is not the best one cuz I suck at making guides.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cute School Girl
Cute School Girl Kha'Zix Guide
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Hide and Seek Guide on Kha'Zix by AIice

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