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Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
Recently Gragas has been nerfed extremely hard to the point of nearly no return. The patches that did this are the 4.2 and 4.3 patch.
His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine has had its mana cost reduced from 100/125/150 to 100 at all levels. This is a nerf that bassically made Gragas completely unviable. The lowered mana cost now is a noob trap to ppl whu tink dat gragis dos not nied mana animoor becos dem creckheads at rito gamging mak smal mana cost. now ppl wil rushh blodfirster becos is op..
Another nerf that changed Gragas completely is the nerf to his ultimate. From a 100% AP Ratio down to an unnoticeable90% 69%. dis chengd gragis to mak hiim a ad chempon becos now hi hes ziro ap ratois so in dis gide i wil phocus on ad gragis.
His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine has had its mana cost reduced from 100/125/150 to 100 at all levels. This is a nerf that bassically made Gragas completely unviable. The lowered mana cost now is a noob trap to ppl whu tink dat gragis dos not nied mana animoor becos dem creckheads at rito gamging mak smal mana cost. now ppl wil rushh blodfirster becos is op..
Another nerf that changed Gragas completely is the nerf to his ultimate. From a 100% AP Ratio down to an unnoticeable
de onli ad ratois on gragis is hes e. wi r goin to pley him ad. dis is wai we r goingg to max e last. #wtfcyclone420%adratoisbrokeaoeknockupmalphiteamumushenGG
destiny is elso op skil cos tp acrozz mep an backdor nexos gg 0 sec cd broke did u noe dat destiny iocon is maid frem paint and i em good at ussin paint, biig iocon so u cen seee clearli
perheps de bestt wey to lvl ur skilz
much broke
destiny is elso op skil cos tp acrozz mep an backdor nexos gg 0 sec cd broke did u noe dat destiny iocon is maid frem paint and i em good at ussin paint, biig iocon so u cen seee clearli
perheps de bestt wey to lvl ur skilz
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
GG | GG | GG | GG | GG | GGez | GGez | GGez | GGez | GGez | 480%wtf | 480%wtf | 480%wtf | 480%wtf | 480%wtf | isstilvaioble | isstilvaioble | isstilvaioble |
much broke
on gragis ghost is definitli a mustt. he cennot cary himslf cos heavi so hi becom ghost and weih nothhingg an gein deh muvemenn sped
ghost size 500
smite iis elso deh moost op speel coz fap ynoe
frist u spem smite and thap
then u r tired cos u thap so mech
kwuikli heel urself
den uuse op zilen w sevrel tims wich is rewind an it reduc cd on spels broke ikr
now u can thap agin
dis shud be very hepful 2 getingg u de free eeellooo ande claimbu two chelngeir leeaghue
ghost size 500
smite iis elso deh moost op speel coz fap ynoe
frist u spem smite and thap
then u r tired cos u thap so mech
kwuikli heel urself
den uuse op zilen w sevrel tims wich is rewind an it reduc cd on spels broke ikr
now u can thap agin
dis shud be very hepful 2 getingg u de free eeellooo ande claimbu two chelngeir leeaghue
alllllllllllllllllll theeeee rununuenunennssss dattttt uuuuuu neeeeeddddd foorororororo gragaggigigigigigigisisisisisis isiisisiisiii quiiiinnnnnteeeeessnncnencnennssssssss
weeeee playyyyy yhimmm AAAADDDDDD sooooo weee wiiillllll neeedddddeedddd soooommmmeee AAAAAPPPPP rooooonnnnnsss beeeccooooossss heeeeee willlll beeeeeee AAAADDDD.
ghet thos onnes four tehh xtra ap wich u wil needd cos u goingg ad
den gget thesee oness
teh exp &&&& deh goold roons soo OppPP firrsht 10 sechondes BOOOOOOM 50 mil gold in the bank. u cen gett a biggher beech thann timstur. killll 1 minoinn and lvl 69 instently
u onli need teir 1 roons cos u so op wit th gold roons u get 420 bludfirsters an u sell for highe pricce to brannndd andd den u buy 420 more bludfirsters and u canshove your fist up brands tiny ashhole 420 blaze with brand
weeeee playyyyy yhimmm AAAADDDDDD sooooo weee wiiillllll neeedddddeedddd soooommmmeee AAAAAPPPPP rooooonnnnnsss beeeccooooossss heeeeee willlll beeeeeee AAAADDDD.
den gget thesee oness
u onli need teir 1 roons cos u so op wit th gold roons u get 420 bludfirsters an u sell for highe pricce to brannndd andd den u buy 420 more bludfirsters and u can
"Gragas has been nerfed to the point of no return. I don't think he will be viable anytime in the future" ~~Dyrus
post guide
"I saw this guide, it was small, not many views but I decided to check it out and wow. It has made me see the light. With this setup, Gragas now has no disadvantages and is completely free elo. In one of my games the enemy decided to uninstall the game when he saw how much more advanced my build was. 69 Bloodthirsters really do make a difference" ~~Dyrus
This is Dyrus' most recent lolking with no edits whatsoever. It has clearly made a difference in his life.
Ever since playing Gragas as recommended on this guide, Dyrus has since then won the lottery several times, grown 20 cm taller within the one month, has gotten fairer complexion, gave up his cocaine addiction, and has also received his very own Limited Time Dunkey All Access VIP Pass. These were sold out within two seconds of being available for purchase. For more information visit VIDEODONKEY.COM
Many people have visited this guide and are now getting laid at least once a week, and also achieving a 2k elo. Similar to the situation of TechFlamer
This guide was inspired by RedHawk101.
He is a Gragas main and most people refer to him as Diamond Senpai.
With nearly 250 as Gragas, maintaining his 100% winrate, he is perhaps the best Gragas the world has seen. After reading my guide, RedHawk101 increased his 100% winrate to 420%, breaking the record of highest winrate on a single champion. If he wins his next game, he will have played 250 games and he will maintain his 420% winrate. This means that out of the 250 games played, he will have won 1050 of them.
My guide has helped improve his gameplay as Gragas, even though he is already the best Gragas, he still has a way to go before he reaches his full potential. Through this guide, I hope he will achieve a position in one of the professional teams, such as SKT T1 K, replacing the overly hyped Faker who has a only but a mediocre Gragas play.
He is a Gragas main and most people refer to him as Diamond Senpai.
With nearly 250 as Gragas, maintaining his 100% winrate, he is perhaps the best Gragas the world has seen. After reading my guide, RedHawk101 increased his 100% winrate to 420%, breaking the record of highest winrate on a single champion. If he wins his next game, he will have played 250 games and he will maintain his 420% winrate. This means that out of the 250 games played, he will have won 1050 of them.
My guide has helped improve his gameplay as Gragas, even though he is already the best Gragas, he still has a way to go before he reaches his full potential. Through this guide, I hope he will achieve a position in one of the professional teams, such as SKT T1 K, replacing the overly hyped Faker who has a only but a mediocre Gragas play.
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