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Runes: CD & late game secure
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
If you cannot time your Q & E correctly, she will cc you can you'll die. She's hard to deal with.
You can heal more than his ult.
You can heal more than his ult.
Champion Build Guide
So I'm here to share with you about my winning tips.
Just remember:
- Barrier
- E max
- Improve on Q shots
- Save your W and watch for your health bar
- ALWAYS check your teammates' health -- even though he's far away and not your ADC. Your ult is a life saving for him.
- Ping your Ult cd before/during every team fights
- Vision! If no ward in hand, always E or Q to the unknown area. Aery will tell you if there's a threat.
And good luck with your games! Hope you like my guide.
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