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Ivern Build Guide by danteyr

Support How to make enemy jg rage 101

Support How to make enemy jg rage 101

Updated on November 27, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author danteyr Build Guide By danteyr 3,375 Views 0 Comments
3,375 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author danteyr Ivern Build Guide By danteyr Updated on November 27, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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early game

well in the early game as ivern the most important thing is to make your enemy jg life a living hell first of all when you start the game you must know where the enemy jg will start ask your team to ward the enemy side if he starts blue start red vise-versa first put a grove on your starting buff then go to his jg and steal his second buff red if he goes blue and blue if he starts red then go back to your jg the grove should be done take it then go gank mid or top mid or bot which side you did start it should be easy since you will have level and jg preasure on the enemy and you have your root and shield for a clean gank then keep go back to your jg put groves on the camps look at the lanes to see which lane is easy to gank if you find a lane go for it after that go back to the jg get the camps then back you should be able to get your first item after a full clear and a good gank ivern is good a preasureing lanes so find a lane that is easy to gank and can carry the game and camp it so your team can win each time your enemy jg buff is up go for it with a smite grove
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mid game

ivern is all about supporting and peeling his team when a small fight break start by throwing your q on the enemy followed by an ult the shield from CoC will help you alot and the red smite will allow you do deal alot of damage with the shield q and ult but remember always shiled the carry. when farming your jg always keep your eyes on the other lanes to find which lane is easy to gank and let your team tell you which summoner spell do the enemy have and what are their cooldowns
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late game

if you take Zz'rot on ivern you should always put it on bot or top since all fight do happen in river and mid so your lane will always be pusing and you enemy will have either to stop the push or lose objectives like dragon or mid when a team fight start always start with and ult and shiled it q the carry of the enemy team and go for him your shieldd and hp you will get will help alot to tank the enemy while taking out their carry while pushing use your ult and q to zone out the enemy from their turret and always always put a bush on dragon or baron since the enemy must ward it to see baron or dragon making it very hard to steal it from your team
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League of Legends Build Guide Author danteyr
danteyr Ivern Guide
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How to make enemy jg rage 101

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