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Blitzcrank Build Guide by PikaaCHUUU

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Updated on December 19, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PikaaCHUUU Build Guide By PikaaCHUUU 3,816 Views 0 Comments
3,816 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PikaaCHUUU Blitzcrank Build Guide By PikaaCHUUU Updated on December 19, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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take exhaust, to prevent enemies from running away and to also reduce their deffense and offense in general, it is good against most marksman adcs as it also slows their attackspeed, always use this on champions that deal damage. when engaging, try to use this on enemy adc or use this on an escaping enemy you are sure that you or your adc can kill

definitely take flash as it is a great spell for you to flash + hook or to engage on teamfights it can also be used to dodge skillshots that might kill you. flash can be used to hop over walls into safety, or to start a fight with your flash + hook. flashing wrongly can lead a very bad misplay, or causing your team to be in bad positions, so use it wisely and do not panic flash
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i do not really know any other hard matchups against blitz, as he has quite some cc as well. all you have to do for blitz is to land his hooks, which is really far ranged, and land your ULTI E or E ULTI combo and you can deal some damage to the lane opponent early onto the game. he also has a speed buff that can help him walk over or run away in short distances. note to only use it when travelling short distances, as the slow later on after the speed boost of your w will make the speed boost earlier useless.
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i do not really know how to start a guide for blitz, and these are what i know so far about blitz. this will definitely not be the best guides out there but i hope you will appreciate it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PikaaCHUUU
PikaaCHUUU Blitzcrank Guide
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