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Kennen Build Guide by slackerfilms98

Hybrid Attack Speed Kennen

Hybrid Attack Speed Kennen

Updated on April 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author slackerfilms98 Build Guide By slackerfilms98 13,113 Views 1 Comments
13,113 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author slackerfilms98 Kennen Build Guide By slackerfilms98 Updated on April 29, 2013
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Before I begin on my guide, I'm have to say that this is my first guide on MobaFire and I hope that you guys will enjoy!

And also as a disclaimer, I did get some of this guide from Gbay99's video. Go check it out!

Kennen - most people would think of an AP caster or maybe an ADC, but not many people would think of a hybrid, let alone an attack speed hybrid build and that's what I'm going to show you guys today.

First of all, let's explain why this works. It's all because of Kennen's W's, Electrical Surge, passive. Every 5 attacks, his next auto attack deals extra magic damage equal to a percentage of his attack damage. With attack speed, it recharges this faster and makes his passive stun more often. Attack Damage, Ability Power, and Magic Penetration are pretty obvious as to why they are necessary.

Also, when you play champs against the way most people do, it's harder for your opponent to know how to counter you, which adds a huge benefit especially during the laning phase.
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Pros / Cons

SPACE + Pros +
+ Strong Laning +
+ Reliable Stuns +
+ Still useful in teamfights +
+ Hard for opponent counterplay +
+ Both auto attacks and skills do tons of damage +
- Not as good teamfights as full AP Kennen -
- Not much survivability -
- Relies on Electrical Surge to be charged -
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Summoner Spells

Flash. It's amazing and most champions should take it. Being able to instantly blink for a set distance, including over walls, is a great escape tool, initiation, etc.

Ignite does true damage to an enemy champion and is great in fights. It does damage over time, but does not go through shields.


Ghost gives a speed buff and ignores unit collision, so it's great for chasing or running away, but in most cases, Kennen's Lightning Rush will be enough, so I would just stick with Flash

This gives a huge shield that absorbs some damage. It is great for when you are getting focused and need to get away, or for when you're in a 1v1 dual.
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Kennen's abilities add a Mark of the Storm which lasts for 8 seconds. An opponent is stunned for 1 second upon receiving 3 Mark of the Storm.

This passive is just amazing. It gives a reliable stun which works in conjunction with all of your other skills. With attack speed for Electrical Surge, it will give tons of stuns.

Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken at a location dealing magic damage.

This is your main harass skill, but do note that this only hits one enemy and does not go through minions. It does quite a bit of magic damage and it also adds another Mark of the Storm.

Passive: Every 5 auto attacks, Kennen deals extra magic damage based off of a percentage of his Attack Damage and adds a Mark of the Storm.
Active: Surges electricity through all nearby targets with a Mark of the Storm dealing magic damage and adding a Mark of the Storm.

This is the skill as to why you need attack speed and attack damage. Every 5 auto attacks, your next auto attack will do extra damage based on your attack damage and applies a Mark of the Storm. So with more attack speed, this will recharge faster. Also the active of this skill is great for more harass and it adds an easy Mark of the Storm

Kennen gains his base movement speed again as a flat speed bonus and gains increased armor and magic resistance. Kennen is able to move through units for four seconds, but is unable to attack. All enemy units passed through will be dealt magic damage and will add a Mark of the Storm.

This is a great escape tool as it gives you bonus movement speed, armor, magic resistance, and Kennen is also able to pass through units without any unit collision. However, this can be a great chasing skill as well as an initiation. Not to mention that it also applies a Mark of the Storm to all enemies passed through. If you use this with Electrical Surge active, it is a great farming tool.

Kennen summons a magical storm that deals magic damage to a random nearby enemy champion every few seconds which adds a Mark of the Storm. The same champion cannot be struck more than 3 times.

This is what most Kennen's are known for. It creates a huge area around you that strikes opponents with lightning and adds Mark of the Storm. This makes for huge AOE damage and stuns. Most Kennnen players are afraid to use this as they want to save it for teamfights. However, I don't hesitate using it even in a 1v1 dual, just for that extra damage or extra stun.
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Skill Sequence

At level 1, I prefer taking Thundering Shuriken first because it is good harass and it also lets you get some farm that you would've otherwise missed due to the auto attack reset time.

Obviously, as with most champions, max your ultimate first by getting points at levels 6, 11, and 16.

Even though I take the first point in Thundering Shuriken, I do not max it first on Kennen because the best skill for this build is Electrical Surge. The attack speed will work best on Electrical Surge and it scales better with AD the higher level it is. This makes the attack damage, attack speed, and ability power all more effecient on Kennen.

Next, max your Thundering Shuriken. It increases the damage output on it and makes your harass and poke much better.

Finally, max your Lightning Rush last. Even though it is a great ability and great for better positioning, its utility is good enough to be used with only one point as your other abilities are much more important.
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If you do not want to take 30 points in offense, then I would recommend the following masteries:

Although these do not give nearly as much damage as the previous mastery tree, it still gives quite a bit of ability power, attack damage, magic penetration, and armor penetration. It also gives some health, armor, and magic resist if you do not want to play aggressive
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If you do not want to take 30 points in offense, then I would recommend the following masteries:

Although these do not give nearly as much damage as the previous mastery tree, it still gives quite a bit of ability power, attack damage, magic penetration, and armor penetration. It also gives some health, armor, and magic resist if you do not want to play aggressive
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This is your main source of attack speed which is very useful in this build. It helps you charge your Electrical Surge faster which in turn, gives you more bonus damage and stuns. However, if you don't feel like you have enough attack speed, you can get Sorcerer's Shoes.

You will want to rush this item right after you get your {{Berserker's Greaves]]. Its stats are pretty good, giving you attack damage and life steal, but the main purpose is the active. It deals 100 damage and slows the enemy down by 25% for 2 seconds. This may seem measly, but this will be enough for you to get in a few auto attacks which includes the Electrical Surge passive, and in turn get you more Mark of the Storm stuns which may secure you a kill.

Once again, this item has pretty good stats, some extra Ability Power, yet again, its active is what makes this item effective on this build. But this time, it is easier to hit the Twin Shadows active and it has a longer range than Bilgewater Cutlass.

This item is amazing on Hybrid Kennen. It gives you more health, ability power, and a persistent slow that synergizes well with Bilgewater Cutlass and Twin Shadows.

Build your Bilgewater Cutlass into this and your core items are complete. This will be a huge source of both Attack Damage and Ability Power and it also give an increased range on the active from Bilgewater Cutlass. This item also gives you some much needed sustain.

Situational Items

The stats in this item work very well with this build because not only does it give you Ability Power, it also gives you some attack speed which works with Electrical Surge very well. I would recommend this item in many situations.

If your opponents are building some magic resist, whether for you or for your team in general, this should be in your options of items to get. It gives some extra attack damage, attack speed, and life steal and the Active is much better than Bilgewater Cutlass or Hextech Gunblade.

If you find that you are the one on the team that always has to initiate, build this item. It makes all of your skills do much more damage and the active is very good. While you are untargetable for 2.5 seconds, your ultimate will still be there for its duration and it will allow time for all of your skills to recharge from cooldowm.

*Note: I have not yet tried out this item. Anyways, this isn't much of a situational item, but if you feel like you're not outputting enough damage yet, you can try out this item. It gives you a nice amount of attack damage and ability power and its passive gives you some extra attack speed in longer fights.

This is a great item on hybrid Kennen for it gives you some Ability Power and Attack Speed, but the best part about it is its passive. Every auto attack deals extra magic damage based on your Ability Power. It also reduces the enemy's magic resist. This works well with your Electrical Surge.

This is a great item in general. It gives you a lot of health and survivability, and it is great in most situations.

This item gives you a bit of extra armor and magic resist, but the main thing is its passive. If you are the first one on your team to get bursted down, or if you feel like your opponents are living with just a sliver of health every time you die, this is a great item to get.
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Skill Sequence

At level 1, I prefer taking Thundering Shuriken first because it is good harass and it also lets you get some farm that you would've otherwise missed due to the auto attack reset time.

Obviously, as with most champions, max your ultimate first by getting points at levels 6, 11, and 16.

Even though I take the first point in Thundering Shuriken, I do not max it first on Kennen because the best skill for this build is Electrical Surge. The attack speed will work best on Electrical Surge and it scales better with AD the higher level it is. This makes the attack damage, attack speed, and ability power all more effecient on Kennen.

Next, max your Thundering Shuriken. It increases the damage output on it and makes your harass and poke much better.

Finally, max your Lightning Rush last. Even though it is a great ability and great for better positioning, its utility is good enough to be used with only one point as your other abilities are much more important.
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W-W-Q Combo

This is the main perk of hybrid attack speed Kennen. It pretty much guarantees a stun as long as you can aim your Thundering Shuriken and it can be used for great amounts of harassment or even kills. It is great especially in the laning phase in a 1v1 lane.

The first thing you do is charge up your Electrical Surge. When your opponent comes into range of your auto attack, hit them to deal extra damage and add a Mark of the Storm. Use the active part of Electrical Surge to add another Mark of the Storm and deal more damage. Finally land a Thundering Shuriken to add the last Mark of the Storm and stun the opponent. If you have to, use Lightning Rush to get in range of your Thundering Shuriken.
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1v1 Duals

There are a few different situations in which I will explain 1v1 duals in either mid lane or top lane:

When your opponent is playing passively and you want to force a fight, get your Electrical Surge ready and wait for your opponent to come up for farm. When they do, auto attack them, and then use the active on Electrical Surge to add another Mark of the Storm. Finally land a Thundering Shuriken to get the third Mark of the Storm and stun your opponent and try to finish them off. Use Lightning Rush if you need to get in range to land your Thundering Shuriken. Also, do not be afraid to pop Slicing Maelstrom or Ignite for some extra damage.

When your opponent is trying to harass you and you do not feel like you can trade well, use the same strategy as above to get an easy stun on your opponent. Use the combo of Electrical Surge and Thundering Shuriken to try to catch your opponent out of position. If you can, try to stun them in minion aggro or turret aggro. Try to keep catching them out with this until they either stop trying to trade or you feel like you're strong enough to all-in them with Slicing Maelstrom and/or Ignite. If you really need some help, call your jungler for some help.

As a note, if you didn't buy wards, try to know when your opponent is playing overly aggressive, as this may mean that the enemy jungler is near. Try to look for signs such as all-inning you win they are low health or much weaker than you. But you do not want to usually risk this, SO ALWAYS BUY WARDS IF YOU CAN.
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Try to get yourself into a solo lane. Personally, I prefer the top lane because it makes it easier to land your W-W-Q combo. One of the best parts of Hybrid Attack Speed is because it's strong in most lane match ups. His strong combination of Attack Damage for his Electrical Surge, and Ability Power for his poke with Thundering Shuriken and the active portion of Electrical Surge.

Even though Kennen has a lot of poke and harass, try to make sure that you get as much farm as possible. Try to harass whenever none of the farm around you will die to your own minions. Also, when you do harass, be aware of minion aggro. Even though they seem weak, they actually do a lot of accumulated damage, especially early game. If you have ever died and seen that most of the damage was because of minions, you know what I'm talking about.

Make sure that you ward as much as possible. This saves you from jungler ganks and relieves you from a lot of pressure in lane. There are many warding guides that you can find if you need help as to where to place your wards, but generally, you want to ward the exits of the enemy jungle.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author slackerfilms98
slackerfilms98 Kennen Guide
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Hybrid Attack Speed Kennen

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