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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Dawnlicker

Assassin Hybrid Jungle Xin Zhao

Assassin Hybrid Jungle Xin Zhao

Updated on September 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Build Guide By Dawnlicker 9,457 Views 0 Comments
9,457 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Xin Zhao Build Guide By Dawnlicker Updated on September 16, 2015
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How do this?

Many attacks, quality heals. Dont be a hero and 1v5 . Assault on poor position. Get furor boots or swift boots if you are too slow.

Get sated. (2x BORK strike; 2x Guin-soo stack; 2x Gunblade CDR; 2x Devourer Magic Dmg: every other attack)

Tell me if this works well, I dont play much. My thoughts are that you may be too easy to kill, just hope there isn't mad burst so you can sustain with your quick-strike sated AP flavored heals.
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#1 Prio is Devourer

Recurve Bow; Attack speed gives sustain from heal and better clear time
Wand; This goes into Guin-soo and gives heal (+20 bonus every 3 hits), not too impactful on clear time
Vamp Scepter; This gives life steal which gives even more ability to heal in the jungle

#2 Prio is Guin-Soo; Damage; AP; Attack Speed; Sated Synergy; Words; This is what you want.

#3 Prio is BORK; Damage; Attack Speed; Cast Slow; Get sated

Gunblade is the offensive option, quality heal, a bonus slow, good damage, and lifesteal

Angel is the defensive option; it is not very strong or powerful, but it gives a bit of both and just might save your ***.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker
Dawnlicker Xin Zhao Guide
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Hybrid Jungle Xin Zhao

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