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Choose Champion Build:
- Full Sustained Vlad
- Sustained Kite
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
The most important thing to remember is to maintain your 4 E stacks before a fight, with this amount of spell vamps is well using your E on a wave of minions will be healing you for a huge amount. A tactic I like to do is bait a fight by peeling into their minion wave, they wont expect you to go from 15/20% hp straight back to 60/70%
[Quintessence Of Spell Vamp] x3 Is my standard build.
You can also consider running
[Quintessence Of Spell Vamp] x2 and [Quintessence Of Movement Speed] x1 as movement speed is fantastic on Vlad, especially if your split pushing or chasing down an enemy.
Take magic resist over ability power if you really need it (not often)
Take CDR Scaling blues if your getting Sorc shoes
You can also consider running
[Quintessence Of Spell Vamp] x2 and [Quintessence Of Movement Speed] x1 as movement speed is fantastic on Vlad, especially if your split pushing or chasing down an enemy.
Take magic resist over ability power if you really need it (not often)
Take CDR Scaling blues if your getting Sorc shoes
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