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Rengar Build Guide by TheMarty

Assassin Innocent kitty in the bush!

Assassin Innocent kitty in the bush!

Updated on March 27, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheMarty Build Guide By TheMarty 1,760 Views 1 Comments
1,760 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheMarty Rengar Build Guide By TheMarty Updated on March 27, 2016
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Hi guys! My name is Marty and I am here to introduce You my first build evar! This is gonna be Rengar guide, because I just love that champ. I will appreciate your advices about everything and I will improve this guide by time. That´s all for introduction, so let´s get started!
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Jungle path

Soooo... for safer and more comfortable clear, I am starting on blue side (because of CDR from blue). Smite Gromp (kill it :D) and move to blue. Important thig is, that you will kill these small things first (minimalizing damage output). Then you kill wolves (again... small guys first) and will run thru midlane to red side. Pass raptors and go straight to red. Then kill small guys and start dealing with the big one. Use your recovered smite and u should be good. After this do scutler and krugs. Then you have two choices. If you feel like it, go and gank someone or clear more jungle. If you dont, go B and buy parts of caulfield´s warhammer (swords :D). Thats probably all you need to know about first clear!

Legend: Blue=your path
Yellow=places, where you use smite
Red="camps", that you clear
Here you have a picture of clear.
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Team Work

This is important champter. Acording to you being assassin, there is one thing you need to know. It´s impossille to jump into full team with your kitteh. You will mostly seek siuation when you can one-shot enemy ADC/Assassin and then fight more with your team. If you feel like you have enough damage to one-shot ONE enemy, do so, but never jump into more, when you aren´t sure about killing most of them. With high sustain (Bloodthirster path), you should be able to 2v1.
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Pros / Cons

High burst damage
R can be used to escape
High sustain in jungle
Bush chasing
Fun to play
HATED! Fun to watch others get angry :P

Paper-like without defensive items (which I don´t mostly buy for my kitty)
Can be killed when ulting
Low sustain when ferocity isn´t used corectly
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheMarty
TheMarty Rengar Guide
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Innocent kitty in the bush!

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