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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Dragon4Athene

Tank Invincible Cho'gath

Tank Invincible Cho'gath

Updated on May 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragon4Athene Build Guide By Dragon4Athene 3,990 Views 0 Comments
3,990 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragon4Athene Cho'Gath Build Guide By Dragon4Athene Updated on May 21, 2013
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Early game

AFK Farm and ignore your opponent. Pretend he isn't even there. Your passive and bead should nullify any poke.
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Early Mid game

Continue AFK farming but poke a bit. Being so passive until now your opponent will be vastly underestimating you. They will often go all in trying to kill you. you should win most all in fights It will be a long fight so by the time they realize they aren't going to win they will have over committed and if you played right you should be able to get a kill. But that doesn't matter. What matters if you farming so pat yourself on the back and keep farming and pushing. Don't worry about ganks, I don't even recommend buying wards. When you get ganked knock them up and silence nad casually walk back to your tower spamming your laugh the whole time.
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Late Mid game

WTF are you doing keep AFK farming! Don't leave your lane just keep farming.

Unless your team yells at you to do something then you should probably listen to them.
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Late game/Team fighting

GG now walk into the enemy team like an immortal god and eat their carries and disrupt their entire team. Your auto attacks are doing some great damage once you get the Atmas. Most people will see your ridiculous amounts of HP and won't even bother trying to kill you. Your only worry would be if the enemy ADC gets botrk. But even still that won't matter much when you eat the bastard.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragon4Athene
Dragon4Athene Cho'Gath Guide
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Invincible Cho'gath

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