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Recommended Items
Runes: My preference
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Default
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Matchup should be free, you should be able to run him down, hold your Qs for his swings and chains and it should be free. Bramble if your struggling
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
Can be cancer if shes good. Land your E and get max stacks and you should be able to kill her. If she has ult or she landed E on you and youre under half HP you are dead. You can try to all in but she will always have a disengage for it with her E, W, R1 and R2 and Hextech if she builds that so keep that in mind when trying to all in because she can outpoke you if you don't play it well.
If you Q casters and hold your E for his grapple you should be able to stun him out of it and run him down. If you whiff the E or he gets his grapple off he can spew out a lot of damage and you can lose the trade so keep that in mind. Note: Go behind tower and ally minions if he ults you to block it
Bork and hes free haha
Bork and run him down. You can run him down early game too he wont do enough to kill you if you have max stacks. Note: He can do more damage than you might expect.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine. Merc treds and Wits end are good ideas.
They can actually blow you up if youre not careful, especially after lvl 6. Land your E and run them down should be free. Note: Much harder on mid lane.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down.
Aurelion Sol
Q onto him with stacks, hold E for his flight. If he's good hes never gonna fight you and just roam for kills so always look to stop his roams and dives. Teleport is recommended since the lane is pretty easy.
Freeze and kill him. After LVL 6 it will be much harder to kill him because he can just throw you under his tower with his ult and will just farm and outscale you. Most azir players aren't this good though lol.
Free. Hes gonna be roaming which means a free lane for you or hes gonna be in lane which means hes a free kill for you. Lose/lose for him
Dont have enough info about this since I dont see them ever top lane but lowkey can be scary if theyre good enough. Can out damage you and heavily outscale you. Stun them out of their shieldy form and it SHOULD be free? Idk just be careful with this matchup.
Dont let him cheese you under tower and he has literally 0 threats towards you.
Dodge / Tank the CC and run them down when theyre out of tower and you should be fine
W her Q and fight only with 4 stacks and anti heal, If shes fed even slightly the lanes cancer very similar to WW. Your lvl 6 is better than hers tho.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
W her Es, Q to dodge her Ws and dont do small trades, she WILL win them. You should win the all in everytime once you get comfortable with this matchup but this is still a skill matchup in the end. If theyre really good they can dodge your ult with their ult, so try to bait their ult before using yours or use it if their low HP and forced to engage you with theirs.
Hit your E and run them down. Beware of LVL 6 because she can absolutely shred you if you're under literally under any stun time which makes you very gank prone.
After BORK this is free lane. He can outstatcheck you if he lands all his abilities on you, especially after LVL 6. Bait Q and dodge it and you should win the all in.
Hit your E and run them down. He can dash away so you could also save your E for that, but he really can't do anything to you except for poke.
Personal permaban 😊! Q when he Qs and then get outstatchecked anyways because he is a cancer champ. If you have more than 3 blood stacks and have no disengage you are DEAD!!!! Any potential you had PRE6 is gone after LVL6 because not only does he outstatcheck you, but now he outstatchecks you AND your jungler!😊😊😊 He also outscales you and will win in teamfights so being out of lane is close to being your only option (you know it won't do anything). But seriously, pray your other lanes are carrying and try not to int him and you MIGHT win. Winning lane into a competent darius is impossible though.
Easy rundown, shes gonna play for poking you. If you get a good freeze E + Q + AA + Q you should practically always win the all in. After 6 she can be scary, but if you land your abilities it should be free.
Dr. Mundo
Annoying. Don't get poked for free and run him down with delete his shield first then once its down use E + 4 stacks and you SHOULD win. After his first item / bramble or wardens the lane gets exponentially harder so try to kill him before he gets to that point.
Hit your E and run them down, he can stun you and can do quite a bit of damage so just don't be braindead with your engages and it should be free.
Dont let him poke you for free with his Q / hob + E. You should outstatcheck him literally everytime dont let him roam and dont let him short trade you since he excells in the short trades.
Never seen this champ in lane before but in theory you should be able to dodge her CC and run her down and it should be easy.
In lane she is a joke because she is pretty useless until Lvl6, just dont get poked / stunned by her for no reason. Just all in her and shes dead.
Hit your E and run them down, he has built in flash so you might wanna save it for that. Either way should be free.
Tank his CC and E his W so he doesnt heal for free. Should be free, dont just stand in his ult for free since thats his only way of killing you. Note: he does have potential in roaming and ulting your teammates so keep that in mind.
Dodge unless you're confident. You have to be really sneaky with how you land your E's if shes good at fiora shes gonna parry it literally everytime so if you cant land it be careful trying to statcheck her. Make it hell for her to land your vitals by walking out of her dash range and walking hear walls. Most of the time I struggle with this lane since landing E against good ones is basically impossible and her post 6 makes it hard for you to setup kills.
You can W his full combo and if you have 4 stacks you should be able to win most of the time. Even though this is a winning lane this champ still gives me cancer since good ones will never take losing trades against you and always have some stupid getaway after procing electrocute on you.
Hes better into AP heavy champs, stun him out his ult if you ever see him using it and W his E to soak up the damage.
Should be free, after Sheen he can do a LOT of damage. LVL1 if you get hit by a barrel he can actually outstatcheck you so be wary of bush cheese. He can't really punish your all-ins very well so if your wary of barrels you should be able to kill him most of the time.
Dont fight him in his E and remember he has built in MS when he Qs so either space well enough to where he won't hit you for free or have an escape route for it since his Q + E will chip away all of your health even if you W it. If he takes Q level 1 you can kill him with 4 stack cheese, but after lvl 6 this matchup becomes hell since he can always outrun you, out dmg you, and outtank you.
Free, run him down when hes in small form, you can also hold E for his jump. When hes in big form don't fight him unless you're very confident you can kill him. Once you have BORK this is FREE!!!
Mid gragas is extreme Top gragas is even. Dont let him E your Q engage by baiting it, if hes good hes literally never gonna let you engage. Dodge his Q poke and post 6 always keep in mind he can knock you anywhere he wants, so if he has R near his tower be wary.
Hit your E and run them down
Skill matchup, dont let her Q poke you for free, remember she can E (dash) into a Q poke so treat her as if shes a ranged character a lot of the time. If you can play around her Q she has nothing else in her kit she can kill you with, so either wait for her to put it on CD and sidestep it when you can since your W wont ignore the true damage.
Never played against this top before, but in theory he can do quite a bit of damage, so just get 4 stacks and all in him. Just all in him.
Q his turrets and all in him. He hates you.
Dodge / Tank the CC and run them down you should be fine. He will do a lot more damage than you think and can outscale you so make sure you be careful with being poked,
NORMALLY MAJOR // BROKEN IN THIS PATCH RN XD Skill matchup. Dont fight her EVER if she grabs your soul or if she uses ult. If you can't dodge skillshots well and predict her E / R well then you're basically guaranteed to give her a kill. Shes also insane at splitpushes so dying early will screw you in the mid-late game. Destrony her tentacles when you can is a key factor to winning this matchup since she's pretty useless without R / tentacles around her. Jungle help can be really good in this matchup, just make sure they understand illaois kit aswell, so if your Gold and below make sure to set it up for your jgler really well so they dont int completely.
My queen ♥ W her E AA Q AA Q AA then just repeat what she did to you just keep in mind her W. Whoever trades better first wins and whoever lands E first wins.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine. Level 6 he can actually do some damage but you should still win if you dont play braindead.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine. She has ult to knock you away but who cares.
Jarvan IV
Never played into this before, in theory he shouldn't be much of a threat. W his flag knock up and then full combo him and you ?should? win in theory. Again I'm not super confident since i've never personally played against it with my irelia.
Play around his E, if he lands his E + Q on you he wins, if he whiffs his E you can win the all-ins pre-6. After 6 its a pretty even statcheck because of both your Rs, so if you have ignite or have some sort of small gold advantage you should win the statcheck. Be wary of his sheen and trinity power spikes, since they make his short trades pretty disgusting, with AA + W + Q away being his main short trade without E.
Hes gonna try knock you mid Q, if he does it makes it much harder for you to kill him. Outside of that its still a pretty free statcheck, dont get poked for free. You can W his melee combos aswell.
Hit your E and run them down.
Free lane, Hit your E and run them down
Dont play near his tower or near the walls near his tower, he WILL pull you into it and smoke you under his tower. Think of it as a much harder blitzcrank. Dont let him poke you for free with his Qs and his biggest threats are him cancelling your Q with his W / Q3 and him being able to outtrade you with his ultimate. He can also setup ganks extremely well so keep that in mind.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down. Her poke hurts alot.
Tank the CC and run them down you should be fine
freeest lane in the game, if he ever kills you, all hope is lost for you.
Skill matchup. Try kill him PRE6 because his lvl6 power spike is disgusting. You should be able to run him down with your E Q AA combo, but if you let him scale even a slight bit you lost the game for your team. Lanes pretty easy but his scaling is cancer to play against.
Skill matchup, VERY Irelia favored, but she has a lot of outplay potential against you. Dont let her poke you for free and run her down when you can. If her ult hits a point to where it does damage, just W the whole thing but most of the time you can just 4 stack her to death while shes ulting.
XD this chick can do nothing to you. Her whole strat against you is "dont die", make the lane cancer for her and dont let her scale she cant kill you.
Red kayn is annoying, blue kayn is easy. You can melee outstatcheck him most of the time, using W to soak up his Q W combos isn't a bad idea. E him out of walls just to be annoying lol
Kennen hates this lane but remember he both has a stun and a dash in one move. If you play around that he can rarely ever kill you unless you let him poke you for free. W his stuns.
W when he does his leap combo on you then E Q AA combo and you win, easy. If you dont W his combo he can do a CRAP ton of damage especially if you're isolated dont underestimate it.
Hit your E and run them down. If she ults, E her at the end of her ult so you dont get killed at the end of it when your low.
Can give you a lot of cancer. If he lands his Q (bear trap) you already lost lane all you can do is W and hope he autos you while your Wing. If you land your full combo on him with IGNITE you can get him off Skarrlll and be able to all in him. Note though that once you get him off Skarrl hes literally a few autos away from getting back on skaaarl and killing you.
Hit your E and run them down
I have played against this champ only a few times and still have no clue how she works tbh. Land your E and do your combo and hope for the best. Shes gonna shaco clone out and then stun you and all in you and youre not gonna have fun. One of those matchups you learn with time but I don't main mid so I rarely see her, and when I do I don't have fun. The average leblanc isn't that good but for the trashy greasy sweaty ones that have 15 mil mastery and weigh around 500kg you will not have fun.
Lee Sin
The better the lee the harder this matchup gets. W his Q engage (its pretty obvious when hes gonna go in, and its pretty easy to read) then do the classic E Q AA AA combo and you should be able to win.
haha. E combo and you win. Bork makes this extra hard for her.
Dont fight level 1 unless youre good at the cheese. Shes a pain to go into normally but Irelia doesn't struggle with her a whole lot since her kit revolves around kiting you and irelia does hes silly E Q :3.
She can make your life hell. Disengage, tons of CC. She will spam CC and use all her abilities but you should be able to sustain it all especially if you use your W. Shes still fairly squishy so it shouldn't be THAT hard of a lane but I still don't personally enjoy it.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
Hit your E and run them down. Dont let him poke you for no reason, W his full combo after LVL6. If he scales you won't kill him ever lol.
Beware of his LVL6, W or E him out of his shield before all-inning. Dont stand near minions that are about to die to his burn because it can be put on you as poke. take cleanse if you suck.
You win early but he plays for team and setting up ganks. He can do more damage than you might expect. Dont let him proc grasp on you for no reason since his healing is ridiculous. Antiheal if your poopoo and dont be super predictable with your Qs since he can stun you out of your Qs.
Master Yi
4 stacks you should win every 1v1 hold E for his W. He can do more damage than you might expect so keep that in mind, especially lvl 1.
second freeest lane in the game.
Miss Fortune
Hit your E and run them down
Skill matchup. Dodge his Q or stay behind minions since it takes away from his damage always keep in mind of his E pull range. Disengage when he has his passive up, otherwise you should outstatcheck him at 4 stacks. LVL6 it wont be fun for you because you don't have any minions to disengage to so if your gonna get ulted make sure you have flash or just play better than him. Sidestep his Qs in his ult aswell, since he can be predictable.
if shes fed u lose, just E her and run her down. Dont let her poke you for free with her Q, if she lands both Qs she can actually statcheck you some of the time. Q her dogs to give her cancer.
Hit your E and run them down
Devs omega buffed this guy hes broken right now, normally in major tho. Not fun 😔. Pre6 hes not gonna ever fight you so try to kill him then. After 6 this lane changes very quickly. When he ults he will slow you and ghost and have like a 500% movement speed advantage over you and will murder you if your not under tower in quick enough time. After he wastes ult hes a free kill. If he gets even a little fed you lose lane heavily.
Can do more damage than you might expect. Should be free lane though.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
Hit your E and run them down
Never seen her outside of bot lane but I dont think she can win against your all-in. Q E her then kill her. She scales extremely well to the point where even if shes 0/40 she still will start getting kills at 20 minutes.
Can do more damage than you'd expect. Dash away from his fear laser and make sure you land the stun and you should be able to win the all-in if hes not up on you. He will start roaming and getting picks on your teammates so make sure you ping when hes missing or else you will lose the game for your team.
Nunu & Willump
Hit your E and run them down. Dont let him hit you by his mega snowball for free and make sure to stun him out of his ult and he should never be able to kill you.
Dodge. You can try kill him after BORK but your probably not gonna lol. This isn't ever gonna be in your favor if he has any neurons firing in his head. If you want any potential in winning this fight just wait for roams or junglers because you are never gonna win this 1v1.
Hit your E and run them down. Don't let her outscale you and don't let her poke you for free because that's what shes gonna be doing in lane.
W when he knocks you up, and dont let him poke you for free with his W and Q. You can sidestep both with your Q. His laning is pretty poopoo but he scales insanely well especially in teamfights so keep that in mind.
Try to react to his W stun with your W and dont let him poke you for free with his Q and emp Q. If your under half hp you're a walking 300 gold to him.
DUMB CHAMP! DODGE! WILL GIVE YOU CANCER! If your actually interested theres tons of threads on how to "beat" her but in reality your window of killing her is extremely slim while hers killing you is VERY easy. Dont dash super obviously because she will W it and cancel it and stun you and do half your HP. If she wastes W you have a small window to try and outplay you but knowing poppy she will probably just run away at full HP back to tower. Very frustrating.
He has lots of CC, dodge his hook try dodge his E and if you can't dodge it, W it. Dont let him hook you under tower, and be wary of his level 6. His ult is easy to dodge with your Q or flash but takes some good reaction time.
Skill matchup, VERY irelia favored. Max stacks E Q Q, You win. When shes level 6 she will want to hit you into a wall with her ult so she can combo you, if you can avoid it W the whole thing and then kill her.
Dirty quinn player put her in her place. Hold one of your Qs or your E for her kick back and she has literally nothing else she can do against you. Free lane.
Stay out of taunt range when he has W up. After he wastes W hes free to all-in. After he gets his first few items this matchup becomes impossible for you so you can try limit-test whether you can kill him but most of the time you will just be ignoring him.
Disgusting pick in S14. If hes competent he will true damage and shred you through your W. Will out sustain you. After LVL6 and BORK this lane becomes MUCH easier. Havent played into enough of this to give more info.
dumb tank
Renata Glasc
Quite fun. Theres hundreds of hours of content on just this matchup alone, but the general consensus is this is VERY renek favored since he plays like a better irelia practically. To simplify, this matchup plays like this, if he lands W and you don't W it you will die and lose lane. He will activate W to try bait yours and will wait for you, so its a read heavy matchup. Theres a lot more info like knowing windows of when to engage (Dont fight when he has ult), The better you get at irelia the easier this matchup gets and you start picking up more little things about this matchup, but if you're still learning her enjoy getting murked or pray to god hes braindead. If you know you're gonna lose try not to feed him as much as possible and key thing DONT TILT!!! LEARN!!! THIS MATCHUP IS VERY FUN ONCE YOU LEARN IT !!!
W his engages and statcheck him. His midgame is poopoo when hes not fed, so try your best not to feed him early. If its a good rengar good luck lmao hes gonna give you a lot of cancer.
Skill matchup, W or dodge her ult, careful with all-ins pre6. Even if you are not winning early you WILL outscale her so make sure to not feed her. After LVL6 and BORK if you dodge / W her ult you have huge opportunities to kill her even if she has a slight advantage. Riven Irelia is a very fun matchup. Dont let her stun you for free when she stands near minions shes planning on stunning you when you Q onto them. This is very Riven favored but irelia has tons of outplay potential so just don't int and enjoy the matchup.
Dont get poked, hold your W for his overheat and outside of that the lanes easy since
Hit your E and run them down. Dont get poked by his infection thing for free. Hes gonna start spewing a ton of damage to you and your team late game if you let him scale so don't feel bad cooking him.
Hit your E and run them down. She can W your E so try to bait it. Even if you don't bait it successfully she cant really do enough damage to you until level 6.
Never seen this pick in lane before, should be free especially after BORK.
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
Kill the whore
Gross pick theres a lot to go into. If he takes W + Ignite first DONT FIGHT LVL1 EVER! Max stacks you have opportunities to run him down but thats really it, irelia struggles a lot with these types of stat checkers. Keep in mind his E range and dont get hit by it for free. Most important thing is to NEVER GET HIT BY HIS MAX GRIT W OR YOU WILL DIE. Fun matchup to learn but you will lose most of the time TONS and TONS of outplay potential though so I don't mind it like other matchups.
Skill matchup. If hes good enough you'll never be able to kill him because he will play annoyingly safe and will have a trick for every engage you do. Most shacos aren't this good and are pretty easy to run down though. Pay attention to his boxes if you don't see him placing them in lane hes 1000% filling the bushes / river with them so be careful chasing him into bushes and rivers. If you're a gigachad huge brain you can try read his TP with your E but this is trolling since you're probably not gonna land it even if its funny and can secure a kill.
Not fun! I don't play against a lot of shens but his kit can counter you. Outscales, outtanks, outdamages, ignores AAs, Insane roaming potential. Lots of outplay potential from your end though, and with BORK or ULT you have a few opportunities to kill him. Careful early game, ping when hes missing.
Dont see this matchup often but this is two champs, AP Shyvana and AD Shyvana. If its AP Shyvana this is a free lane, run her down LVL3-6 and when she has ult ready from her rage stay away so she doesn't oneshot you with her Ult+E combo. If its AD its gonna be harder Level 2-3 you can try run her down with max stacks but make sure to limit test it and have an escape option since she has a built in ghost and can catch up to if you mess up extremely easily.
Follow your first minion wave against singed and sion. Dont chase unless you hit him with E then he should be free to kill if you hold your second Q for his E. He can do more damage than you'd expect but you outstatcheck him and he won't be able to proxy you if you get him low enough / get jgl help.
Follow your first minion wave against singed and sion. Pretty easy lane, don't be braindead and walk around bushes for no reason because he will punish you for it with his invisible Qs. Sions hate this matchup because you can ignore his Q with yours but he can spew out much more damage than you might expect. When you kill him NEVER FIGHT HIM IN HIS DEAD FORM. Either run / dash away or W it if you can't run because he will rupture all your hp in under a second.
Hit your E and run them down
Haven't played agaisnt the rework yet, from my understanding his LVL1 is nuts so be careful when engaging. Gonna have to limit test this a bit more, dont let him E / Ult you under his tower and you should be able to outstatcheck him most of the time. After 6 / BORK this lane is probably free
E him out of his flight and you have a dead little dragon.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down. Shes probably gonna have exhaust and wait for you to do some dome dive. Just dont play like a dumbaz and you should be fine and ping when shes missing because she honestly has some crazy roaming potential / ult potential.
Hit your E and run them down, this matchup is cancer for him because you can dodge literally all of his abilites. Lvl 6 he might? be able to kill you but you should be able to disengage if you coordinate minions well enough. Think of it as a really bad nasus ult. Dont give him stacks for free either. BORK = free lane.
Skill matchup, irelia sided. Dont take short trades because thats what he excels in. You should win most all-ins, and him taking your ult is kind of useless because he can't really get use from the mark he gets from it, be wary if he takes a good ult from one of your other teammates. After BORK / Wits end this is a free lane. Land your E and win.
Hit your E and run them down. She has a stun so don't get knocked back for no reason. This matchup is MUCH harder midlane because her plan is to wait and outscale you and shred your team. Still a pretty easy lane though.
Tahm Kench
Dodge lol. you can not kill him, and he can kill you if he wants. Early game is your only potential for killing but EVEN if you somehow manage to kill him after bramble he just wins every fight. You could be up 6 items and all he needs is bramble and W and you will lose. He also outscales you and is better in teamfights.
Ranged champ that can counter you if shes good enough. This is still very irelia favored though and you should be able to outsustain all of her combos. Dont get poked for no reason then all in and you should be able to kill her after a few all ins. If shes good shes gonna make it very hard for you.
Skill matchup, theres a lot to learn. W his engage and your full combo should out stat check him. You also have a better level 1 and 3, level 2 I wouldn't recommend since you need all you're abilities to outstatcheck him. He has crazy roaming potential so make sure to ping when hes missing.
Braindead champ. He can spew out more damage than you might expect but in a lane 1v1 he really is useless. Watch out for his jgler helping him think like a worse maokai or a worse malphite,
Teemo hates this matchups, for you its meh. If you hit your E Q combo he should be dead or losing the trade so dont worry about this too much. Should be a free lane if you dont let him poke you. Sweepers (Oracle lens) recommended for his shroom.
haha. Can do more damage than you might expect. Dodge his Q if he hits you, you can W his whole Q + E + R combo and just all in him. After Bork this is free.
Hit your E and run them down. She might do more damage than you might expect, so be wary if she has exhaust or some cheese for you.
Dodge. Statchecker bruisers absolutely screw irelia this a prime example. If you really want to try, you can but I don't recommend it, even if you get a few early kills it won't make up for his first item power spike which will shred you. Also key note don't ever fight him if he ults you or your teammate. You can know when hes ulting you when theirs blood particles going from you to him.
Dodge. Unplayable if hes competent. You can try and kill him pre6 but after level 6 this matchup is completely unplayable in lane. The only thing you have going for you is that you are better in teamfights.
Twisted Fate
Run him down he has 1 CC and thats not enough to stop you early game. Ping when you know he has ult and is gonna roam to mid / bot / jgl.
Hit your E and run them down
Dodge. You don't have fun in this lane, this champ is super overtuned.
Not as hard as some people say, still heavily losing for you. Don't get hit by his E and stack your passive and make it hard for him to walk around you by spacing yourself with your autos. After BORK this matchup becomes much more playable. Keep in mind of his lvl6 execute that can roll you if you're not careful.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down, keep in mind she has her knockback so dont get hit into a wall, and if your forced to be hit into a wall try to W it. You can outsustain most of her damage and all in her, so if your struggling with Vayne top this is a really good pick.
His cage is his only threat to you. Hit your E and run them down.
Hit your E and run them down
Rush Merc treads. This is a skill matchup but vex favored learn to dodge her abilities and bait her fear / anti dash before going in. Once you learn this matchup it becomes much easier since her doom / gloom interactions need some learning to figure out.
She can actually statcheck tf out of you, especially lvl 1, dont let her LVL 1 cheese you. If you land your E you should win the all-in. If she ults you you can W her full combo. Shes gonna try and Q you out of your Qs so see if you can read / bait it.
Skill matchup, irelia sided. Dont take short trades. You can W his stun since its easy to see when hes about to do it. He can Q through waves you should win most all-ins.
Free, dont get stunned its easy to dodge.
Skill matchup, dont let him farm. Dumb champ hes gonna pool away when you try hit him with your combo, he doesn't really threaten you though until level 6 or if you let him poke you for free with his blood stacks.
Dodge, Irelia don't win into this. You can't ever kill him all you can do is sustain, even if you do kill him once you probably won't be able to kill him again. You're best option is to wait for teamfights because you are better than him in teamfights aslong as he isnt fed CX.
Dodge. Don't bother haha. If you really want to try, go ignite and rush vamp. You might have a chance to kill him early, but even if you do you're not gonna be able to do it again without help. Same thing as volibear though he is kind of useless in teamfights so there is potential of being carried, but you're for sure not gonna be carrying or winning lane with this champ on the enemy team.
Skill matchup VERY WUKONG FAVORED. Does a stupid amount of damage for no reason. They usually bush camp lvl1 since they have a pretty nasty lvl1, so don't get cheesed. Try to not be predictable with your Es so he can't W out of it. You can kill him but the lane is still cancer.
Hit your E and run them down
Dodge the CC and run them down you should be fine
Xin Zhao
Never seen this pick top, but actually seems pretty scary if they play it right. He has really good short trades and a CC so if you see him do the spin AAs make sure to W it before you get CCd. All-ins should be in your favor, especially after 6 and BORK.
Classic skill matchup. Dont let him knock you up especially after 6, these get harder to dodge the better the Yas is. Dont fight him LVL1 since his LVL1 is one of the strongest in the game. Bait his windwall before ulting and you should be able to all-in him.
Skill matchup, very irelia favored. Respect his Q3 by dodging and if your in a fight and can't dodge it use your W to soak up his combo. Fight him when you have max stacks and you should out statcheck him 100% of the time.
Q the little fellas and statcheck him. This matchup is literal hell for him, don't change that. Respect his ult, if he cages you while your Q and Flash are on cooldown you WILL feel it. One of the annoying things about Yorick is that if you leave lane even for a few minutes hes gonna get a ton of platings so make sure to end before he smokes all your turrets.
This is probably the hardest lane in the game for you. Bring Conq + Lethal + Ignite + Ghost + Teleport + Flash. Watch out for her split pushing potential she can oneshot towers and your whole team. If you want a chance of winning this lane I would recommend praying 15 times to the Yuumi and hope they concede the lane to you because otherwise this isn't winnable in the slightest. Respect her Q3 by dodging and if your in a fight and can't dodge it use your W to soak up his combo. Fight her when you have max stacks and you might have a chance of outstatchecking her. Once she gets her LVL6 you might aswell go take a piss in real life because the lane is already impossible to win for you, since she rezzes her whole team and kill all of yours. When she autos make sure she doesn't stack too many bleed stacks or else she might also stun you for 15 seconds and throw you under tower. Also be careful of her E because if you get her low she can be unkillable for 12 seconds while slowly healing to full. This champ is so god dang annoying.
Dodge. Rush BORK and pray you win, he has infinite sustain + rez + tons of CC. When he uses his abilities try your best to get rid of his pools by walking / Qing if possible to them because thats his main sustain. If hes running grasp don't give him trades for free, also E him out of his slingshot if he's gonna use that. I really don't like playing into this champ.
Skill matchup very irelia favored. W his combos and fight at max stacks and you should be able to kill him. His disengage is cancer and if hes good enough he'll just ignore you and kill all your teammates instead. Not fun even if you are winning.
Hit your E and run them down, you can also E her out of her dash.
Hit your E and run them down
Hit your E and run them down. Dont get poked for no reason.
Hit your E and run them down
Dodge the CC and land your E then run them down
Any Jungler with CC will be good enough setup for you.
Any Jungler with CC will be good enough setup for you.
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