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Recommended Items
Runes: Glacial standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Standard spells
Ability Order
Hextech Munitions (PASSIVE)
Corki Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
I'm not trolling I promise
Just a little fun guide for preseason experimentation. Confirmed it does work in low elo. I am interested to see if it works beyond Silver!
Corki has been known for a good long while as a late game hyper carry that usually needs several items working together before he hits his stride. This remains true; however, with the preseason item rework, the new mythics and legendaries allow flexibility to his economy which he never had before, with Divine Sunderer taking over as one of his best items. Simply skipping Muramana in a role that does not require farming creates a more streamlined build path into pure auto-attack damage via crit and AS.
By no means is this supposed to be "good" .. but it is fun and serves its purpose of scaling you into one of your team's damage carries. With Corki's kit lacking in CC and utility, it is the one major contribution you can provide.. consistently.
Perhaps this gains some traction and our favorite mustached friend can scrape the bottom of the support tier list someday.
Have fun with it, try hard and squash all the troll talk by CARRYING the game!
Corki has been known for a good long while as a late game hyper carry that usually needs several items working together before he hits his stride. This remains true; however, with the preseason item rework, the new mythics and legendaries allow flexibility to his economy which he never had before, with Divine Sunderer taking over as one of his best items. Simply skipping Muramana in a role that does not require farming creates a more streamlined build path into pure auto-attack damage via crit and AS.
By no means is this supposed to be "good" .. but it is fun and serves its purpose of scaling you into one of your team's damage carries. With Corki's kit lacking in CC and utility, it is the one major contribution you can provide.. consistently.
Perhaps this gains some traction and our favorite mustached friend can scrape the bottom of the support tier list someday.
Have fun with it, try hard and squash all the troll talk by CARRYING the game!
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