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Ivern Build Guide by ZoNaDayV

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Support Ivern like a Boss!

Updated on October 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZoNaDayV Build Guide By ZoNaDayV 2,197 Views 0 Comments
2,197 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ZoNaDayV Ivern Build Guide By ZoNaDayV Updated on October 15, 2016
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Some people out there think that Ivern is completely useless. But when you use this build and Ivern like a boss; the haters will be silent.
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You wanna build ivern with items that have actives to them like protobelt. Or special effects with slows like rylais. Build him AP with health so you don't get 1 shot. The longer you stay in the fight, the longer Daisy can put in work.
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Skill Sequence

You wanna max your Q for it does most of the damage in the kit. Its basically your bread and butter for Ivern. After that you wanna max E for it gives you a pretty good shield and can slow enemies after it pops.
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Creeping / Jungling

You take camps fast. Instant level 2 and you don't need leash. You can even invade enemy red, instantly take it, the early gank at 2 minutes. Done right usually ends up with the enemy having to flash.
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Team Work

Remember Ivern is an early game champ and you need to abuse it. Many ganks to your laners for you will probably have nothing to farm in the jungle because his clear is so fast. But don't bait your teammates with your Q as it can lead them to their death.
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He does attack jungle camps. You click on them to put your passive on and a timer goes down. When the timer is up you can collect the camp. But smiting will instantly clear the camp.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZoNaDayV
ZoNaDayV Ivern Guide
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Ivern like a Boss!

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