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Jarvan IV Build Guide by Waragog

Assassin Jarvan IV - Assasin Prince (3 Season)

Assassin Jarvan IV - Assasin Prince (3 Season)

Updated on December 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Waragog Build Guide By Waragog 5 1 40,253 Views 7 Comments
5 1 40,253 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Waragog Jarvan IV Build Guide By Waragog Updated on December 9, 2012
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Summoner Spells :

[210 second cd]

is better than

[265 second cd]

because of cooldown and because you already have your own Flash as

+ combo.

And it works extremely good when you use Smart Cast

Chasig opponents with Ghost helps much better than Flash... Why chase? Because opponents WILL run!
And I also pickfor early agression and bonus 5 attack damage.

Both spells are imbued by only one point in offense.
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Level 1

takeit can be used as free 8-second ward and provides team Buff for Armor and Attack Speed. Double on you.

Level 2

taketo perform E+Q knock-up combo or to escape/engage

Level 3

takefor early sustain and slow

After that follow this priority:

In early game you shold max flat bonuses and percentage bonuses in late game
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Building the killer machine

Princip is simple:Penetration,Splash Items,Trinity Force,High Crit chance and Damage.

Your core items are:

And Luxury versions:

You will be a bit squishy early game,but as you reach mid-game and get your first core items the game changes DRAMATICALY!!!

It does not come as a surprise that you will be focused first and your initiation is a risky action.
gives you a second life and Armor + Magic Resist.You get bonus health with your so armor is a bit more valuable.Tenacity from also increases your survivabilty in teamfights.
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Ability sequence:

450+340*1.5=960 damage


10% enemy health+340*2.6=1280(max damage)

Basic Attack that triggers

340*1.5=510 damage

from your R and deals 60% SPLASH DAMAGE [1800 in one hit]

+340 AoE damage.

So you can deal up to 3100 (great part is AoE) physical damage in split second.

Can you ever imagine that damage dealt to 1,2,3...5 enemies locked inside your?!

After that use your

+ +

Combo to harass your foes to death. Slow with

You can also engage with E + Q

As you can see, the biggest portion of damage is dealt by SINGLE MONSTER CHARGED BASIC ATTACK. If you start with E+Q you will add some decent penetration to it and attack suddenly.

This combo

+=> + +

Can provide up to 1965-2900 physical damage (depending on crit and opponents health) and can be performed every 12 seconds!

Good luck!
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Level 1

takeit can be used as free 8-second ward and provides team Buff for Armor and Attack Speed. Double on you.

Level 2

taketo perform E+Q knock-up combo or to escape/engage

Level 3

takefor early sustain and slow

After that follow this priority:

In early game you shold max flat bonuses and percentage bonuses in late game
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My last games,no defeat cuts.Sometimes it was double top or support...its "Normal" what can i say..
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Waragog
Waragog Jarvan IV Guide
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Jarvan IV - Assasin Prince (3 Season)

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