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Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
I will do my best to lead you in the path of Demacia.
I'm pretty sure you want to play pretty tanky, but not like super tanky so u can't kill anything (happened to me before). I go 9/21/0 for masteries, taking more defence then offence. I see Jarvan being more defensive so he can charge in and harass without being squishy. Have defence masteries lets you survive better against odds.
When farming always start with boots and 3 health potions which get useful. Always try to last hit without using your skills. Against enemy champions use Q to harass and lower armor and then autoattack dealing massive damage. I consider taking E first then Q to check the brush. Save your Q and E combo for escaping or knowing the perfect time to gank. Using E+Q to harass wastes mana drastically, lower your options and pick your chances wisely. Later on Jarvan doesn't really need to rely more on mana unless in teamfights and escaping.
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