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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
- Greater Mark of Attack Damage - x9
- Greater Seal of Armor - x9
- Greater Glyph og Magic Resist - x9
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - x3
Greater Mark of Attack Damage - I use Greater Mark of Attack Damage because it helps you gain more damage for early engage and for farming.
Greater Seal of Armor - I use Greater Seal of Armor because it helps you take less damage from your enemy (if the enemy is AD and minions).
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - I use Greater Glyph of Magic Resist because it helps you take less damage from your enemy (if the enemy is AP).
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - I use Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage because having possibly more damage than your enemy will give you an advantage.
These runes can be applied to Jarvan IV and any other tank/bruiser champion in toplane.
- Greater Seal of Armor - x9
- Greater Glyph og Magic Resist - x9
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - x3
Greater Mark of Attack Damage - I use Greater Mark of Attack Damage because it helps you gain more damage for early engage and for farming.
Greater Seal of Armor - I use Greater Seal of Armor because it helps you take less damage from your enemy (if the enemy is AD and minions).
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - I use Greater Glyph of Magic Resist because it helps you take less damage from your enemy (if the enemy is AP).
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - I use Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage because having possibly more damage than your enemy will give you an advantage.
These runes can be applied to Jarvan IV and any other tank/bruiser champion in toplane.
Double-Edged Sword - x1
Deals 2% additional damage
Recieves 1% additional damage
Deals 1.5% additional damage
Recieves 1.5% additional damage
Sorcery - x4
1.25% cooldown reduction
2.5% cooldown reduction
3.75% cooldown reduction
5% cooldown reduction
Brute Force - x3
4 attack damage at level 18 (0.22 attack damage per level)
7 attack damage at level 18 (0.39 attack damage per level)
10 attack damage at level 18 (0.55 attack damage per level)
Martial Mastery - x1
4 attack damage
Executioner - x3
Increase damage dealt to champions below 20% health by 5%
Increase damage dealt to champions below 35% health by 5%
Increase damage dealt to champions below 50% health by 5%
Warlord - x3
Increase bonus attack damage by 2%
Increase bonus attack damage by 3.5%
Increase bonus attack damage by 5%
Dangerous Game - x1
Killing a champions restores 5% missing health and mana
Frenzy - x1
Critical hits grant 5% attack speed for 3 seconds (stacks up to 3 times)
Devastating Strikes - x3
2% armor and magic penetration
4% armor and magic penetration
6# armor and magic penetration
Havoc - x1
Increase damage by 3%
Block - x2
Reduce incoming damage from champion basic attack by 1
Reduce incoming damage from champion basic attack by 2
Recovery - x2
1% health per 5 seconds
2% health per 5 seconds
Unyielding - x1
Reduce all incoming damage from champions by 2
Reduce all incoming damage from champions by 1
Veteran Scars - x3
+12 health
+24 health
+36 health
Juggernaut - x1
+3% maximum health
- nothing
This build is what I use for Jarvan IV but it can also be applied for other tank/bruiser champions.
Double-Edged Sword - x1
Deals 2% additional damage
Recieves 1% additional damage
Deals 1.5% additional damage
Recieves 1.5% additional damage
Sorcery - x4
1.25% cooldown reduction
2.5% cooldown reduction
3.75% cooldown reduction
5% cooldown reduction
Brute Force - x3
4 attack damage at level 18 (0.22 attack damage per level)
7 attack damage at level 18 (0.39 attack damage per level)
10 attack damage at level 18 (0.55 attack damage per level)
Martial Mastery - x1
4 attack damage
Executioner - x3
Increase damage dealt to champions below 20% health by 5%
Increase damage dealt to champions below 35% health by 5%
Increase damage dealt to champions below 50% health by 5%
Warlord - x3
Increase bonus attack damage by 2%
Increase bonus attack damage by 3.5%
Increase bonus attack damage by 5%
Dangerous Game - x1
Killing a champions restores 5% missing health and mana
Frenzy - x1
Critical hits grant 5% attack speed for 3 seconds (stacks up to 3 times)
Devastating Strikes - x3
2% armor and magic penetration
4% armor and magic penetration
6# armor and magic penetration
Havoc - x1
Increase damage by 3%
Block - x2
Reduce incoming damage from champion basic attack by 1
Reduce incoming damage from champion basic attack by 2
Recovery - x2
1% health per 5 seconds
2% health per 5 seconds
Unyielding - x1
Reduce all incoming damage from champions by 2
Reduce all incoming damage from champions by 1
Veteran Scars - x3
+12 health
+24 health
+36 health
Juggernaut - x1
+3% maximum health
- nothing
This build is what I use for Jarvan IV but it can also be applied for other tank/bruiser champions.
Martial Cadence - His passive makes his Dragon Strike do good damage - I recommend that if you get to level 2 before the enemy, engage as soon as possible, since his damage from his passive will burst the enemy down.
Dragon Strike - I recommend you to max this ability, since Jarvan IV can poke his enemy with it. When you use the Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo, you'll also do extra damage if it his the enemy + knocking him airborne.
Golden Aegis - A good item that you should use when you are fighting with someone for shielding yourself, but I don't recommend that you max it before Dragon Strike + Demacian Standard (it also gives a bit AOE damage).
Demacian Standard - A strike which can reveal enemies in bushes, a strike where you can leap to by using Dragon Strike and a strike that damages the enemy.
Cataclysm - A strike that makes Jarvan IV leap over to the enemy, damaging him hard and surrounding his enemy/enemies with a shield, making them unable to move out of.
- Hint: Remember to press R to de-activate Cataclysm if the enemy escapes it.
Dragon Strike - I recommend you to max this ability, since Jarvan IV can poke his enemy with it. When you use the Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo, you'll also do extra damage if it his the enemy + knocking him airborne.
Golden Aegis - A good item that you should use when you are fighting with someone for shielding yourself, but I don't recommend that you max it before Dragon Strike + Demacian Standard (it also gives a bit AOE damage).
Demacian Standard - A strike which can reveal enemies in bushes, a strike where you can leap to by using Dragon Strike and a strike that damages the enemy.
Cataclysm - A strike that makes Jarvan IV leap over to the enemy, damaging him hard and surrounding his enemy/enemies with a shield, making them unable to move out of.
- Hint: Remember to press R to de-activate Cataclysm if the enemy escapes it.
Jarvan IV's skill sequence
Max Dragon Strike first because:
Huge damage
Armor penetration
Low cooldown
Huge poke
Max Demacian Standard second because:
E + Q combo
Gives LOS when you place it
Huge poke
Max Golden Aegis third because:
Grants a shield
Slows enemies
Max Cataclysm at level 6, 11 and 16 because:
Ultimate is very effective
Like every other champion, the ability (ultimate) has the best effect for the champion that you're using. There isn't really any reason to level your ultimate up in other ways.
Max Dragon Strike first because:
Huge damage
Armor penetration
Low cooldown
Huge poke
Max Demacian Standard second because:
E + Q combo
Gives LOS when you place it
Huge poke
Max Golden Aegis third because:
Grants a shield
Slows enemies
Max Cataclysm at level 6, 11 and 16 because:
Ultimate is very effective
Like every other champion, the ability (ultimate) has the best effect for the champion that you're using. There isn't really any reason to level your ultimate up in other ways.
- I would always recommend Flash because it's a good and easy way to escape or if you are chasing the enemy you can always flash towards the enemy and capture him - Flash is also good for the dodges.
- I would recommend that you pick Teleport because you'll in many cases be able to save a tower or you'll be able to splitpush.
- I would recommend that you pick Ignite because it has true damage and will in some situations secure the kill or prevent the enemy from healing.
- This spell is good when you're chasing or escaping but I wouldn't recommend it on Jarvan IV but it is viable on him.
- The same as Exhaust, it is good when you're chasing or escaping but I wouldn't recommend it on Jarvan IV but it is viable on him.
- I would recommend that you pick Teleport because you'll in many cases be able to save a tower or you'll be able to splitpush.
- I would recommend that you pick Ignite because it has true damage and will in some situations secure the kill or prevent the enemy from healing.
- This spell is good when you're chasing or escaping but I wouldn't recommend it on Jarvan IV but it is viable on him.
- The same as Exhaust, it is good when you're chasing or escaping but I wouldn't recommend it on Jarvan IV but it is viable on him.
Skill Combos
Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike
Good damage
Knock airborne
Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike + Cataclysm
Huge damage
Usefull in teamfights
Cataclysm + Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike
Trapping enemies
Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike
Good damage
Knock airborne
Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike + Cataclysm
Huge damage
Usefull in teamfights
Cataclysm + Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike
Trapping enemies
Jarvan IV's laning phase
I would recommend that you play aggresive in lane, unless it's against Riven, Renekton, Malphite, Shen and Lee Sin, because they have a lot of sustain (since Jarvan IV doesn't have any sustain, they'll trade better than you)
Buy wards because Jarvan IV is a strong early champion and you'll probably recieve a lot of ganks/roams (atleast if you're ahead)
When you engage on your enemy, use Ignite pretty early but not too early because if you use Ignite before you attack, the enemy will in most cases flee since the enemy will know that you want to kill him.
I would recommend that you play aggresive in lane, unless it's against Riven, Renekton, Malphite, Shen and Lee Sin, because they have a lot of sustain (since Jarvan IV doesn't have any sustain, they'll trade better than you)
Buy wards because Jarvan IV is a strong early champion and you'll probably recieve a lot of ganks/roams (atleast if you're ahead)
When you engage on your enemy, use Ignite pretty early but not too early because if you use Ignite before you attack, the enemy will in most cases flee since the enemy will know that you want to kill him.
- Strong early game
- Huge range with Dragon Strike
- Strong late game
- Good combo Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike + Cataclysm that can save your team, yourself and deal a lot of AOE damage
- if your opponent is able to dodge your Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo, they can trade better than you (for example - champions: Zed, Lee Sin, Riven and Renekton)
- Low mana pool
- Poor use of Jarvan IV's ultimate can be devastating for your team
- Slow attack speed for trades in laning phase (before you max Demacian Standard)
- Strong early game
- Huge range with Dragon Strike
- Strong late game
- Good combo Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike + Cataclysm that can save your team, yourself and deal a lot of AOE damage
- if your opponent is able to dodge your Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo, they can trade better than you (for example - champions: Zed, Lee Sin, Riven and Renekton)
- Low mana pool
- Poor use of Jarvan IV's ultimate can be devastating for your team
- Slow attack speed for trades in laning phase (before you max Demacian Standard)
Jarvan IV - I believe Jarvan IV can face any champion in the game.
Shen is a problem for Jarvan IV, since he is one of the very tanky champions in this game.
Malphite is a bigger problem for Jarvan IV, since he is one of the very tanky champions in this game - ( Malphite gets stronger when he gets more armor.
Riven has a lot of sustain and she can stun her enemy.
Renekton has a lot of sustain and fury (with fury he'll trade better than you.
Lee Sin can easily dodge your attacks, he has a good shield and a lot of AOE damage.
Shen is a problem for Jarvan IV, since he is one of the very tanky champions in this game.
Malphite is a bigger problem for Jarvan IV, since he is one of the very tanky champions in this game - ( Malphite gets stronger when he gets more armor.
Riven has a lot of sustain and she can stun her enemy.
Renekton has a lot of sustain and fury (with fury he'll trade better than you.
Lee Sin can easily dodge your attacks, he has a good shield and a lot of AOE damage.
Jarvan IV is a good champion to roam with, because of his Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo who knocks up an enemy and damages them. When you're about to recieve a gank/roam, you should do this combo because it would be a lot easier for your team to help you.
In teamfights, you should always engage as Jarvan IV since he's very tanky and has this amazing combo to knock up the entire enemy team. Be sure that when you use Cataclysm that you don't trap your team mates, for example the AD carry.
Jarvan IV is a good champion to roam with, because of his Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo who knocks up an enemy and damages them. When you're about to recieve a gank/roam, you should do this combo because it would be a lot easier for your team to help you.
In teamfights, you should always engage as Jarvan IV since he's very tanky and has this amazing combo to knock up the entire enemy team. Be sure that when you use Cataclysm that you don't trap your team mates, for example the AD carry.
Since Jarvan IV has a low mana pool, I wouldn't recommend you farming with your abilities. I would recommend you to farm only by using last hits.
Remember, don't push lane by auto attacking minions, since the enemy will end up with more farm than you will.
Push lane, and then don't attack tower, let the minions get slain (if the enemy isn't near) because he'll lose farm that way.
Remember, don't push lane by auto attacking minions, since the enemy will end up with more farm than you will.
Push lane, and then don't attack tower, let the minions get slain (if the enemy isn't near) because he'll lose farm that way.
Jarvan IV is definately a strong champion and I would recommend that you use him to get out of "ELO-HELL". His carry potential is huge if you get ahead of the enemy in laning phase. Fun champion with high mobility.
Good luck :)
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