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Jayce Build Guide by aeon101

AD Offtank Jayce, the Sexy Hammer Boy

AD Offtank Jayce, the Sexy Hammer Boy

Updated on January 2, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author aeon101 Build Guide By aeon101 7,992 Views 0 Comments
7,992 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author aeon101 Jayce Build Guide By aeon101 Updated on January 2, 2014
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Welcome, to my very first guide in mobafire. Jayce is a ranged fighter that can shoot enemies from afar or hit enemies with his rockin hammer. Since the first time Jayce came out, I saw many people having difficulties playing with him, so I decided to make a guide that could help players that want to own with Jayce. Enjoy.
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Pros / Cons

>Jayce is a useful bruiser both in early games and late game.
>Jayce helps throw off enemies that are chasing teammates using his E as melee.
>Jayce can damage enemies from afar before they can arrive to hit him.
>Jayce's acceleration gate as well as his E as melee helps escaping from the enemy team.
>Have a lot of variation for combos.
>Stable in all part of the game.
>Jayce is a relatively difficult champion to play, because some players are too stuck up on one type of attack, usually ranged, so when enemies come to them, they can't do many variations of combo.
>Jayce can't use his full damage when enemies come close, so he can't use his Q > E.
>Jayce is squishy when not given defense items.
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Summoner Spells

Situation 1
I prefer Flash and ignite because Jayce can tower dive using his melee Q then E when a squishy enemy is left with half health left. But in early games turret hits hurts so much so i usually ignite the enemy that's usually left with 1 bar health left then flash away from the turret.

Situation 2
Flash can also be used to decrease the distance between you and the enemy if you can't reach him using Q as melee. Once you flashed towards the enemy, you can Q your target then walk across him a little then E him towards your base for further damage and so he can't get back to his base.
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Gameplay & Team Work

Many people complain that Jayce eats too much mana when harassing in early game, that's one of the reason why i chose faerie charm as one of the starting items so you can harass over and over in early game. Since you have faerie charm, always harass using E>Q (but sitll conserve your mana in case you want to rambo the guy). For example if you are playing at bot, you can try going to the brush that's at the river, most enemies will think you are going mid for a gank, but you can spawn an acceleration gate at the terrain then shoot the guy that's trying to type mia.

When waiting for an enemy inside a bush, i prefer starting out with the mercury hammer, when the enemy approaches, you can Q, quickly initiate W while walking to his back, then E him towards your base. If this still doesnt kill him, quickly change to a mercury cannon then use E>Q if there's no creep, or W if there's obstacles on the way.

When helping a teammate run away, quickly spawn an acceleration gate on his route then switch to Mercury Hammer, then Q>E the chasing enemy if you have filled health and against only one enemy or some a number you think you can handle tanking. If you are under half health, just spawn an acceleration gate to help your friend then run along with him so you don't add to the casualty count while increasing his odds to survive the fight.

When initiating in team fights as melee, let a tank initiate first if possible since Jayce is a relatively squishy champion, after the tank initiates you can Q then W to the crowd. Sometimes, I saw many Jayce uses E as melee for damage but instead helps them run away, I need to remind you that E can help dish out damage, but it's only useful as a killing blow or to purposely position an enemy.

Every time you play as Jayce in early game, you cand use the mercury cannon to last hit and to harass, but since you can't have infinite mana, you should use the mercury hammer to refill your mana when possible, but keep in mind that you can refill your mana only if the opponent in your lane is not a ranged champion, out of attack range, or there's no risk for a hit by the opponent. If you are in a lane where you can be damaged without giving damage back, it is recommended that you stay on mercury cannon and don't harass too frequently.

And final tip,
Always switch weapons if possible to dish out as much possible damage with skill combos.
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Skill Sequence

Q > W > E
Q > E
E > Q
Q > E If you're fast enough and not to alert the enemy that you're shooting
(E > Q) / (Q > E) > Flash > W
as melee
(E > Q) / (Q > E) > R > Q > W > E
as ranged
W > R > Q > basic attack
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League of Legends Build Guide Author aeon101
aeon101 Jayce Guide
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Jayce, the Sexy Hammer Boy

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