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Jhin Build Guide by PRoli03

Jhin build for art-lovers by PRoli03

Jhin build for art-lovers by PRoli03

Updated on August 11, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PRoli03 Build Guide By PRoli03 1,195 Views 0 Comments
1,195 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PRoli03 Jhin Build Guide By PRoli03 Updated on August 11, 2018
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Welcome to my jhin build. Here I am bringing my personal jhin itemizaion and more importantly playstyle. Please have a nice time reading!
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Teammates-Who should your support be?


: Very good. Your early pressure is great and after 6 he is even better. Since you wont fall off late but scale really well a good early might be a free win too.

: Very good. Does less damage than pyke but has more cc. Unless the enemy has Morgana or Braum its very easy to win the lane.

: Good. Not as excellent as the ones before but her q is a long cc what u can even extend and destroy the enemy.

: Very good. He has so much cc and early pressure. He is a tanky pyke with (ofc) less damage.

: Decent. She is not as good as with you but can protect you from enemy assasins.

: Decent. I'd say the same I did about Lulu.

: Good. I'd define him as an ap pyke. He will do more dmg but also has to land his skills.

: Good. Same as Brand for you.

: Very good. I'd same she is the best when paired with you. However with Jhin I prefer pyke.

: Very good. He does an impressive work; probaly one of the best supports for Jhin.

: Good. His kit works well with your's and he will be a great support unless he leaves you for chimes.
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Early game

Your early is pretty good better than most of other adc's. If you have an agressive support you can try picking up some early kills but don't forget to farm. This is still your weakest point in the game so you don't need to rush things.
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Mid game

You will probably have a Stormrazor and a Zeal item (either Statikk Shiv or Rapid Firecannon) and this is the point when you start taking half of the enemy's health when you are not behind. If a teamfight breaks out you can stay behind your tanks/bruisers or you can go mid-range for max effeciency (ofc this is a lot more risky)
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Late game

Domination. When you reach full build and have like 900 ad there is no non-assasin character who can fight you. Yeah a yasuo wall can make your day a bit difficult but since you have so much ms you can just walk through it. In teamfight the rule is not to die before you take out a few enemies.
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Thank you for following this guide. I hopr it helps you a lot and you can unleash the beast.
If you have any questions please make sure to write them down and I'll answer ASAP.
If you liked this build let me please also know in comments or in votes as it helps a lot to me.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author PRoli03
PRoli03 Jhin Guide
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Jhin build for art-lovers by PRoli03

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