Ashe ADC is a known counterpick to Jhin ADC due to her ability to slow and force an extended trade. Ashe support, similarly can force Jhin into extended trades, so make sure to take Fleet Footwork to escape and keep your trades short.
Pantheon E can block Jhin's 4th AA, so make sure to capitalize on his slow movement during his E to land your W, then follow up with your autos afterwards. Make sure to use your E to control bushes as usual and try to stand behind your traps in case of his engage.
Play inside the minion wave and try not to get hooked. Control bushes using your E.
You must use E to control the bushes and punish Pyke every time he misses a hook by landing 4th shots.
Control bushes with E, and try to stand behind your traps. If Leona gets a good engage, turn and 2v1 their ADC.
Play inside minion waves, and control bushes with E. If Thresh uses Flay to knock you close to their ADC, don't panic and go 2v1 onto their ADC and burst them.
Lux's pokes are annoying so take Fleet Footwork to sustain your health.
Play inside the minion wave, control bushes with E.
Nautilus is less of a threat than Leona or Amumu, since his hook brings you into a middle ground, which means that you're safe if you're behind your traps or if you are in a wave.
His knock up can be hard to dodge without boots, but make sure to poke him when he walks up to CS with his support item so that he is never full health. A half health Rakan can never engage since he isn't as tanky as other engage supports.
Make sure to take Fleet Footwork to sustain through the poke.
Ashe W is the perfect setup for Jhin W. Both champions have great range. Both champions are hard for the enemy Jungler to Gank (Ashe E, Jhin E). Both champions ults are fantastic for preventing enemy escapes and provide utility in teamfights.
You don't see if often, but Seraphine ADC and Jhin Support might be one of the best botlane pairings bar none. Seraphine E synergizes with Jhin E and W, plus Seraphine's shielding allows Jhin support to aggressively trade onto the enemy without sustaining any damage back. Seraphine R charms enemies linearly, meaning that any takedowns during that enemies will be forced to walk right into the Jhin traps that spring up from kills.
Jinx might be one of the only ADCs that won't mind Jhin stealing a kill or two, since all she cares about is the reset on her passive. The chain CC potential is also fantastic, with her W setting up your W, then her E and your E.
Tristana always pushes lane, and that's perfect for Support Jhin since he pokes insanely hard and can ward river using his E to prevent ganks.
Caitlyn traps and Jhin traps are fantastic and zoning off corridors when it comes to objective setup. The enemy can never walk to contest Drakes or Baron if the both of you set up first.
Miss Fortune
MF pokes, and Jhin pokes.
Varus likes to poke, Jhin likes to poke. Jhin's R also provides an 80% slow per bullet, which allows Varus to land his chain during teamfights.
Ashe W is the perfect setup for Jhin W. Both champions have great range. Both champions are hard for the enemy Jungler to Gank (Ashe E, Jhin E). Both champions ults are fantastic for preventing enemy escapes and provide utility in teamfights.
You don't see if often, but Seraphine ADC and Jhin Support might be one of the best botlane pairings bar none. Seraphine E synergizes with Jhin E and W, plus Seraphine's shielding allows Jhin support to aggressively trade onto the enemy without sustaining any damage back. Seraphine R charms enemies linearly, meaning that any takedowns during that enemies will be forced to walk right into the Jhin traps that spring up from kills.
Jinx might be one of the only ADCs that won't mind Jhin stealing a kill or two, since all she cares about is the reset on her passive. The chain CC potential is also fantastic, with her W setting up your W, then her E and your E.
Tristana always pushes lane, and that's perfect for Support Jhin since he pokes insanely hard and can ward river using his E to prevent ganks.
Caitlyn traps and Jhin traps are fantastic and zoning off corridors when it comes to objective setup. The enemy can never walk to contest Drakes or Baron if the both of you set up first.
Miss Fortune
MF pokes, and Jhin pokes.
Varus likes to poke, Jhin likes to poke. Jhin's R also provides an 80% slow per bullet, which allows Varus to land his chain during teamfights.
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