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A few words
The standard build listed is the build order I go for 9/10 games as Jhin. I personally cringe when I see a Jhin build essence reaver first item, unless they are to replace your boots, it is not needed as Jhin. If you did decide 80% crit is not enough even a trinity force would be a better choice. Phantom dancer is an item I see very few Jhins build and think is currently highly underrated, it gives everything needed on Jhin for his survivability. Also when engaged with the enemy adc it's passive can be enough to tip the scales in your favour.
I use Warlords bloodlust over Thunderlords decree. This is for a few reasons, the main of which being Warlords has no cool down, mid / late game it will be proc'ing over half of your attacks. Early game is the only time Thunderlords has a slight advantage. Once you have your Phantom dancer and Infinity edge it is better every time.
Largely you will be far enough back to be out of harms way, you generally poke with your final basic. However your Q can prove good harass, try to make sure it kills at least 1 minion before bouncing to a champion otherwise it does little damage. Your E is likely the most useful skill in lane, try to place them just out of minion paths, if an enemy champion is nice enough to step on one, root them with W otherwise they will not get caught in the blast. Often this is enough to initiate a kill early game.
Remember in team fights Jhin is easily locked down. His W is glorious when your team initiates, if the enemy is on retreat this can solo 1 out. Generally when on the retreat as Jhin you basic, run and repeat. With a crit proc you will run very fast, often after a couple of shots you can then chase as 3 will often kill a target late game. His ultimate is largely a finisher since it scales off missing health. If you are out of range it is still worth using to put down on a team fight to turn the tides.
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