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Jinx Build Guide by billthekill

AD Carry Jinx ADC build

AD Carry Jinx ADC build

Updated on October 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author billthekill Build Guide By billthekill 1 7 86,652 Views 6 Comments
1 7 86,652 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author billthekill Jinx Build Guide By billthekill Updated on October 16, 2013
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In this guide i will attempt to explain jinx's skill usage, and item sets. this is my first guide so i hope it helps.
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Get Excited

Whenever a champion or tower that Jinx has dealt damage to within the last 3 seconds is killed or destroyed, she gains 175% Movement Speed that decays over 4 seconds.

use this skill to escape from enemy champions, run from downed turrets, or even to chase champions.
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Pow-Pow, the mini-gun Jinx's basic attacks grant bonus attack speed for 2.5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The stacks decay one at a time when she stops attacking with her minigun.

the attack speed this skill grants is amazing. max it second.

Jinx gains bonus attack range and deals 10% AD bonus damage on her attacks, at the cost of mana per attack. Additionally, her attacks will splash to nearby enemies - dealing 110% AD to all enemies within ? radius area. The bonus damage to her target and the splash damage both scale with critical strikes.

combined with the Runaan's Hurricane this skill is god like. because the rockets are considered a basic attack this item creates tremendous splash damage allowing you to clear whole minion waves in about 2-3 shots

BONUS RANGE: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175
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After a short delay, Jinx fires a shock blast that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit, also granting true sight and slowing it for 2 seconds.

this skills poke is amazing and the slowing effect makes it easy to finish of enemy champions. combined with Flame Chompers! you can kill off the squishy champions with ease

RANGE: 1500
COOLDOWN: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
COST: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 MANA
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Flame Chompers!

Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that, once armed, explode on contact with enemy champions dealing magic damage over 1.5 seconds to nearby enemies. The champion that sets off the chomper is also rooted the same duration. Chompers explode automatically after 5 seconds.

mainly used as a stun but quite effect in blocking off escape routs and halting enemy advances

RANGE: 950
COOLDOWN: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16
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Super Mega Death Rocket!

Jinx fires a rocket that gains damage over the first second it travels. It explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing Physical Damage plus a percentage of the target's missing health. Nearby enemies take 80% damage.

primarily used to finish off champions on the run.

RANGE: Global
COOLDOWN: 90 / 75 / 60
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Pros and Cons


great range
splash damage
passive helps escape tight situations
good attack speed
good at clearing minion waves
crowd control



mana dependent early game
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item explinations

basic ADC starting item. it grants you a small amount of life steal and attack damage plus an extra 80 health making it a great starting item.

this item helps with crowed control and clearing minion waves due to its passive

grants tremendous attack damage and life steal making it one of the most important items in your arsenal

gives good critical and attack damage.

a good anti tank item.

additional attack speed and movement speed

grants more attack speed and its active is effective at picking off tanks due to it doing present damage.

boosts attack speed, critical, and movement speed. also allows you to run through minions
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thanks for reading!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my guide. hope it helps. this is my first guide so please leave any kind of criticism so i can make my future guides better just please don't be vulgar about it.
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