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Jinx Build Guide by Irish Jinx

AD Carry Jinx S-7 ADC Guide

AD Carry Jinx S-7 ADC Guide

Updated on March 5, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Irish Jinx Build Guide By Irish Jinx 3,749 Views 0 Comments
3,749 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Irish Jinx Jinx Build Guide By Irish Jinx Updated on March 5, 2017
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First guide on MOBAFire

Hello everyone, so as it says this is my first guide on this website. So I apologize if it is a little sloppy at the time. I will be trying my best to improve this guide over the course of season seven. Of course if this guide does happen to become big, then I will always keep it updated for many seasons to come.
Anyway so I noticed something that may confuse you at first. On each of the purchase orders, it is not telling you to buy the same item over, and over again. It is simply what your item slots should look like at that point in the game. It seems confusing, but trust me it helped me. I got the idea from a friend of mine that makes guides. If it does become a problem just let me know, and I will make that my first priority to fix.
So a little about me. I have been playing Jinx literally since the day she was released. I am not the best Jinx, and I doubt I ever will be. I have actually been playing a lot of top this season. This is just what I have always followed in every game I play as Jinx. I am sure there are many things wrong with it, but it has not failed me yet. I am always able to come back, and accomplish something even in late game. With that said yes, Jinx is a hyper carry.
So that is enough about me, and I am going to cut it short at this, get the guide out there, and hopefully help someone. If you have any questions just ask. You can also contact me on the client at well.
In-Game Name: Îrîsh Jîñx
You may have to copy, and paste the name. Yes those accents are part of the name.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Irish Jinx
Irish Jinx Jinx Guide
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