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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
To start off, you need your Hunter's Machete and 5 pots. Every juggalo's normal starting build, or most. You need to FORCE the adc to tank blue, because Sona sure can't. Remember to start with your q for that extra damage. From there, take wolves, and wraiths. P.S. it'd be best to have an ad mid, because you can't exactly solo red level 2, nor will you make use of it, if you wanted a slow you have your e power chord. Remind your top to not extend since you're ganking rather early. Hopefully you get a kill, cause that's ALL juggalo Sona does. From there, if you have enough health, and mana, take wraiths, b, get Sight Stone. You need little sustain at least on your mana. After more jungling, and hopefully successful ganks from when you reach level 6 and get Cresendo. Pick up boots, and Kage's. The teamfight phase will begin shortly near this time, so grab Emblem of Valor, communicate with the support, and make sure he does not. After that, level boots. CDR for days. Most of the time I flash Cresendo, so try to do that if you don't have enough initiate. Get Runic to support your team then. Most teams are in the "hey, let's stack health to win xd" phase. Liandry's isn't the worst. Spirit of the Spectral Wraith. More CDR, more AP, and mmm spellvamp. You've gotten enough gold by now. Let's get Morellonomicon now. More mana regen never hurts. And lastly Trinity Force. Why? Tons of damage of course! Also sheen + power chord is great.
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