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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
I chose a more defensive build due to the fact that Aatrox starts with lower armor compared to other jungling champions. I also chose purely AD/AS in the offensive tree as his Q and W (the two main damaging abilities end game) scale with your AD. Also, a majority of your damage done will be from your basic attack.
This item build focuses on AD and Life/Life Steal. Starting with Doran's Blade enables you to deal more initial damage as well as be able to stay out for longer without potions. By end game, he AD from this build scales your Q and W while the high life/life steal allows you to keep Blood Price on indefinitely during endgame engagements as to increase your damage output. If you end up going with RH, be sure that you don't build your boots or sell them.
Health pots are self-explanatory.
Oracle's Extract is useful when going up against champions such as Teemo and Shaco with there invisible placements.
Sight Wards are useful as they enable you to see where the enemy is going and makes it so they cant sneak up on you,your team.
Health pots are self-explanatory.
Oracle's Extract is useful when going up against champions such as Teemo and Shaco with there invisible placements.
Sight Wards are useful as they enable you to see where the enemy is going and makes it so they cant sneak up on you,your team.
Starting with Aatrox's W allows you to build your blood well at the very start as well as clear neutrals quicker. It will also enable you to heal yourself when bellow half health (best time to use early game) so you don't need to constantly keep returning to base or worry about having to go back and buy potions. Building up your E right after that helps you deal more damage to enemy champions and neutrals without worrying about dealing to much damage to yourself like your Q would.
Start with Doran's Blade, no question. For killing in the jungle, go in the order of Lizards, Big Golem, Wraiths, Wolves, Ancient Golem. when the game is first starting, be sure to have at least one guard to prevent the other team from counter jungling.
At level 8, as soon as your ignite is up if it is not already, go and kill the dragon, making sure your blood well is full and you have blood thirst on. Be sure to not engage unless another champion is pushing the lane or the lane is frozen.
At level 8, as soon as your ignite is up if it is not already, go and kill the dragon, making sure your blood well is full and you have blood thirst on. Be sure to not engage unless another champion is pushing the lane or the lane is frozen.
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