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fucking demacia dude
So as full ad jarvan mid u have a level one power spike with that boss *** Q of yours.
at level two put a point into E and just flag drag to the ***** and beat his *** into the dirt where it belongs. E+Q+Passive+AA(S)+ignite= won lane
by some chance they are not your personal punching bag before 6 just ****ing cut the loser down with the grossly strong chaos dunk of a ult that u have and just laugh at the screen cuz it a joke hoee fast they died.
just play super agro and think its like riven but a man and not hit with the nerf stick like 5 times(RIP riven mid)
at level two put a point into E and just flag drag to the ***** and beat his *** into the dirt where it belongs. E+Q+Passive+AA(S)+ignite= won lane
by some chance they are not your personal punching bag before 6 just ****ing cut the loser down with the grossly strong chaos dunk of a ult that u have and just laugh at the screen cuz it a joke hoee fast they died.
just play super agro and think its like riven but a man and not hit with the nerf stick like 5 times(RIP riven mid)
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