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As long as you dodge her bindings, you'll have an easy lane, once you see her cast just use your E for the speed boost, get your w down and if she tries to black shield it use your mantra Q to break the shield and get the snare off anyways. When she ults just use your mantra E to get your team out.
avoid attacking him since hes so tanky, just attack the adc. His shield has a high CD, so just be annoying and go in. Once he lands a Q on you W him and E away.
Destroy her early, stay out of zenith range. Once she hits lv 6 be careful. Start playing passively then. If you can try to destroy tower before this becomes a problem
His heal is fairly weak early, but hes too tanky to focus, target the adc.
Post 6, you will get destroyed if you are within her flash ult range, you have to dominate lane and take tower before she has the chance to burst you.
STAND BEHIND MINIONS, if he gets a pulled you need to exhaust the adc and mantra W for a heal and shield out. After this, if you have enough health, engage since blitz will be useless while on CD.
You win until lv 3, so try to dominate him early, I suggest pushing lane and once you hit 2 grab W and get within range to all in if your adc cooperates. After lv 6 make sure you spread away from your adc shielding him isnt as important as leaving range
Poke him early, keep damaging him within 10 seconds or else his shield will come back. He's only a threat at lv 6. Otherwise shield his Q's since they are slow and easy to get in time.
Max shield, you wont be able to go aggressive most likely, if you want to try, focus her since she is squishy, and take ignite
Too tanky to deal with, just keep him away. Stay behind minions and W when he comes close. There is no use in trying to poke him, just go for the adc.
Tahm Kench
Really tanky, just go for adc, W him and give you adc speed to kill their adc. Your goal is to keep him from eating their carry. focus the adc.
His heal is fairly weak early, but hes too tanky to focus, target the adc.
Stay out of flay range, if you get flayed he will most likely follow up with a free hook. Just stay behind mininos and poke him down. He has too much utility to not focus. If he starts going tanky just focus adc.
Max shield, you wont be able to go aggressive most likely, if you want to try, focus her since she is squishy, and take ignite
Max shield, you wont be able to go aggressive most likely, if you want to try, focus her since she is squishy, and take ignite. Dodge the pools since they will silence you, and you'll be useless.
If she's good she will shield most of your Q's. Just max shield and let your carry out farm.
Take ignite, in case they try to escape to a heal it wont matter. target Bard since he is squishy and if he leaves, make sure you ward their bushes and try to all in the adc.
Just dodge the time bombs, his speed will counter yours, but you will always out trade him early if you take less than two bombs, since you can shield them.
She does equal damage, but if you can dodge the root you will almost always out trade, and with your increased mobility it is easy to do so.
This guy can't catch you worth shit. I'm not sure how he became viable as a support, but you destroy him, just don't try to tower dive or you'll get slowed and possibly blocked.
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