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:Best Poke in the game
:Your passive lets you destroy in team battles
:Your ultimate can help you get kills no matter where you are
:Your wall will prevent enemies from escaping or save an ally from getting charged by an enemy
:Surprisingly tanky late game with build above
:Defile will help you farm very easily late game
:Defile also makes Karthus the best late game lane pusher in the game
:No sustainability
:Minimal crowd control
:Squishy early game
:Players will get mad at you for carrying games as Karthus support =)
:Best Poke in the game
:Your passive lets you destroy in team battles
:Your ultimate can help you get kills no matter where you are
:Your wall will prevent enemies from escaping or save an ally from getting charged by an enemy
:Surprisingly tanky late game with build above
:Defile will help you farm very easily late game
:Defile also makes Karthus the best late game lane pusher in the game
:No sustainability
:Minimal crowd control
:Squishy early game
:Players will get mad at you for carrying games as Karthus support =)
Karthus is one of, if not the best team player in the game. If you get stuck in a 5 vs 5 battle, Karthus can go right in and tank the entire fight because your defile and wall will cause their magic resist to drop as well as their speed, and do massive damage per second. Plus if you die you will have 7 seconds to continue casting and help your team. Personally I usually wait until my ult is up to dive in and engage a team battle just to ensure that you can clean up the fight afterwards.
Remember to keep your defile off when not in battle because it will drain your mana. Also make sure that you have excellent map awareness. It will only benefit you because of his global ultimate. If you get level 6 and you are still bottom lane with your support, check the other lanes occasionally to see if any enemies are low health so that you can ult them and get the kill. But make sure you remember how much damage your ultimate does because you don't want to waste it on someone that will have 30HP left after your ult. It has a very long cooldown, so only use it if you are sure you can get the kill. Another situation you can use your ult is if the team is in a battle and you are pushing a lane no where near them, and cant get there in time to help them, using your ult will reduce all of their health and help your team finish them off and give you the assists.
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