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Karthus Build Guide by Kaosz

AP Carry Karthus - The Late Game Boutz

AP Carry Karthus - The Late Game Boutz

Updated on December 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaosz Build Guide By Kaosz 4,947 Views 0 Comments
4,947 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaosz Karthus Build Guide By Kaosz Updated on December 27, 2013
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Hello League!

Finally I decided to make a Karthus Karthus guide. I hope it will help you to get in touch with Karthus the Deathsinger.

The thoughts of my playstyle and this guide is to play safe in the Lane Phase and make as much damage as possible in teamfights. This results of a well balanced itemset and movement which I describe in the following:
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

These Runes max your Damage by lvl 6.

Thought behind: Maxed damage of R Requiem.

You dont need defensive runes -> Watch farming section below
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First of all movement is one of the most important things at playing Karthus. Karthus is a squishy champion in the early game. So you have to play very safe and very thougthfull where to go. But Karthus has good skills to compensate that.

In the early game I recognized that farming with your Q Lay Waste is the best way to farm easy and safe. Its important to stay back and last hit the minions. Try to hit just one Minion at a time, to prefent the lane to get fastly pushed.

/league-of-legends/ability/defile-105 Attention!: W Defile is a Mana killer, so use it thougthfull so you dont run out of Mana on a bad position.

If your lane is pushed and you cant go further because its too risky, you can also do monster camps. If you have enough Mana use E Defile untill the small minions are dead. Then deactivate E Defile and kill the big one with Q Lay Waste.

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Always play safe. Karthus is a late game champion, so dont feel bad if u dont dont dominate your lane early. If there is the chance to hit the enemy champion with your Lay Waste try to hit him. Have in Mind that you double your damage if u just hit a single target with Lay Waste.
By playing safe or coming back to lane you have time to watch on the other Lanes. By spectating the lanes look for an oportunity to use your R Requiem.
Attention!: Be sure to get a support or even the kill. Calculate your damage, Mag Res and counter spells of the target.

Also use your Teleport to help other lanes and put up global pressure. Communicate to your teammates to ward bushes so you can Teleport in.
Attention!: Be sure to get a support or even the kill because it needs time to get back to your lane after Teleport. So you will loose CS by using Teleport.

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Karthus is very usefull in Teamfights. His damage and slow is significant for your Teams win. Always look for the primary targets: AD/AP Carry. If you cant hit them dont chase, try to cause much damage as possible. If you get fokussed try to get in a good position and use Defile and Zhonya's Hourglass to max your damage.

If possible to escape with low health, go b and teleport back into the teamfight.
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Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice your Q spam, and become a Late Game Hell Opponent for your enemies.

Be friendly and stay cool,
greetz Káosz
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaosz
Kaosz Karthus Guide
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Karthus - The Late Game Boutz

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