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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Electro
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
One of the worst matchups you can get. He deals more dmg and his laningphase is way stronger. Do not push early so he cant all in you. Dont trade before lvl 3. Avoid trading if his E is up
Kata works the best with frontline cc engage so every champ in IDEAL will be perfect for her
Kata works the best with frontline cc engage so every champ in IDEAL will be perfect for her
Champion Build Guide
I stream almost everyday on twitch xKaitoLive. So if you like to you can join me on my journey to master :)
For more IN DEPTH Guides I might start a Youtube Channel soon. I want to do matchup videos, builds, soloq meta etc.
But lets see how much time I will actually have due to my private life.
- fun gameplay
- decent scaling
- insane mobility
- high mechanical skill-roof
- one of the most rewarding champs when played good
- very hard to master
- barely any winning matchups
- sensible to cc
- sensible to burst damage
- easy punishable
- hard to get good cs on
You need to gain confidence on this champ and learn how to get advantages because its not rewarding to play her just to scale and farm.
There are already alot of combo guide for Kata on Youtube and i recommend to look them up if you are new to Kata. Maybe I will upload one too.
If you want IN DEPTH knowlodge about Katarina you can check out my Youtube when I start uploading, but I cant say when it will be.
If you have any questions you can ask me on twitch.
Good luck in your soloq games my cuhs.
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