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Katarina Build Guide by Bonkoko

Assassin Katarina - How to be OP, even when nerfed !

Assassin Katarina - How to be OP, even when nerfed !

Updated on November 24, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bonkoko Build Guide By Bonkoko 2,096 Views 0 Comments
2,096 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bonkoko Katarina Build Guide By Bonkoko Updated on November 24, 2014
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Early Game

If you can take advantage on your opponent in early (could be hard with the nerf..) keep pressure in your lane. If not, there is the ROAMING !
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Roaming with kata is so gooooood. She got a high mobility, and her passive is really ggood to gank bot. Soo, to get fed, and help your botlane in same time, you can roam bot really often. And more, it offers some possibilities about call drake.
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Mid Game

Welcome to the midgame. Teamfights are coming, soooo, there is the fact : wait enemies burn their CC, or the most part, and GO IN. The once part of brain in kata's actions is there : feel the right moment to go in. And more, keep focusing the one with less HP, like that you can make sure to get your resets, it's important in fight.
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End Game

They'll start to HARD FOCUS YOU. So, now, you will have to be safe : take the Sweeper Lens, like that, the bush where you will camp can be safed. Stay really care about don't be SPOTTED, your you will loose. Now, enjoy. :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bonkoko
Bonkoko Katarina Guide
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Katarina - How to be OP, even when nerfed !

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