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Kayle Build Guide by rokk154

Support Kayle Support

Support Kayle Support

Updated on February 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rokk154 Build Guide By rokk154 3,033 Views 1 Comments
3,033 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rokk154 Kayle Build Guide By rokk154 Updated on February 6, 2013
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Hello Summoners this is my aggressive Support build in here i will do my best to explain how i play her. this build and play style does need to work at its best a lane partner that know what you’re doing as they may end up thinking your pushing the lane or going for kills and will stop farm and try to get the kill which is not the plan while YES you do what the enemy died the play style is more about forcing them away from creeps and denying them exp an A LOT of agro poking using your pick pocket skill for extra cash.. the down side of this build is that if your lane partner is to "chicken" or wants to spend time getting to know his tower intimately you will find yourself bored and a lil cash starved as you won't be poking the enemy champs much.
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My Play Style

ok in most games unless playing against certain champs i spend most of my time in the bush and using E to poke the enemy champs it keep them scared of the bush and keep you safe from too much retaliation if you keep them out of the bush they can’t use it on you which is why the explorers ward is in the build if they place a "DIRTY" ward in "YOUR" bush you can drop one and clean it out you OWN those bushes cuz if you don’t they will and then you’re going to be hard up as i find she doesn’t do that great tower hugging or this could be just me i hate tower hugging. While most of the build is on support at about 2nd phase you start shifting to attack taking advantage of her Q+E combo to make them hurt that why you start building rageblade this help A LOT as it pumps her WHOLE kit the ap you get makes it so but the 8th stack your heal is damn good and you can still make them hurt I’ve had game go bad up till i got this item it’s a game changer but at this point you will find yourself TARGET NUMBER 1 as the longer your alive supporting and attack with your team the less the enemy has of winning so you going to need to balance you’re in your face beat down and back of the group support or you will find yourself died FAST
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rokk154
rokk154 Kayle Guide
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Kayle Support

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