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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
alth potions
You are gonna want to build into a manamune asap for mana fixing and the added attack damage/potential for muramana
Next buy into either black cleaver or last whisper
After Some armor pen items go towards either ravenous or bloodthirster
Finally go for the other item you didnt pick (bloodthirster or ravenous)
The last two spots i like to fill with either nija tabi, stealth ward, banshees veil, guardian angel, atmas and/or warmogs depending on the situation
I always go for his W (Void Spike) first just for the sustain. then after that i go for his Q (Taste Their Fear) then take a second point in either his W or his Q depending on who you are laning against. Afterwards at lvl 4 get his E. from their build up his Q and evolve it at lvl 6 (of course taking a point in his ult [Void Assault] ) from there max his Q then his E (Leap) which should be evolved second. finally max his W and evolve it.
If more sustain is needed early game or mid game evolve his W first and raise it to lvl 3 before maxing his Q
This is one of the best ability "trees" that i have found useful as have others.
If more sustain is needed early game or mid game evolve his W first and raise it to lvl 3 before maxing his Q
This is one of the best ability "trees" that i have found useful as have others.
Finally For now are the runes
9 armor seals
6 AD marks
3 Hyprid Penetration for early game dominance
9 MAgic Resist
2 Quints of lifesteal
1 quint of attack Speed
This will help you carry mid or top lane for early game which leads to an overly strong mid to late game Kha Zix
Plz Rate and give suggestions and friend me on LOL
IGN: Atlantian Vision
9 armor seals
6 AD marks
3 Hyprid Penetration for early game dominance
9 MAgic Resist
2 Quints of lifesteal
1 quint of attack Speed
This will help you carry mid or top lane for early game which leads to an overly strong mid to late game Kha Zix
Plz Rate and give suggestions and friend me on LOL
IGN: Atlantian Vision
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