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Kled Build Guide by XKhaimeraX

Jungle Kled jungle s9 dominates the jungle

Jungle Kled jungle s9 dominates the jungle

Updated on March 29, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XKhaimeraX Build Guide By XKhaimeraX 19 2 47,451 Views 0 Comments
19 2 47,451 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XKhaimeraX Kled Build Guide By XKhaimeraX Updated on March 29, 2019
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Relentless Hunter
Ghost Poro

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Champion Build Guide

Kled jungle s9 dominates the jungle

By XKhaimeraX
Kled is a very rewarding champion to learn and anyone who is thinking of learning him should do so. If you want to learn how to play intelligently aggressive, Kled is a great teacher. Kled was my first real champion when I started league and he heavily impacted the way I see the game. He molded my playstyle into an aggressive carry style that let me consistently climb my way through ranked.

I'm by no means a super high-elo player, and you'd be better off doing your own research on high-elo play to understand the game at the highest level. But I hope I can provide insight and new styles of gameplay to players learning the game or champion ( Kled ) at a basic level.

+ High mobility & sticks to targets
+ Can survive or turn ganks around w/ passive
+ Can fight tanks w/ Conqueror
+ Strong splitpusher & duelist
+ One of the best engage ultimates in the game
+ Powerful early and mid game

Kled is an incredible toplaner when it comes to laning and dealing loads of single-target damage. You have enough mobility with Jousting to compete with assassins and other bruisers, and you can win most 1v1's with great passive usage. With the addition of Conqueror as a keystone, tanks aren't nearly as bad as they once were. Part of mastering Kled is mastering dismounting and remounting Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard and utilizing your courage bar. Chaaaaaaaarge!!! lets you roam and take control of the early to mid game to snowball you and your team.


- Your passive can sometimes screw you over
- Strong scaling duelists often beat you in lane
- Poor R usage can lose the game
- Executes destroy you
- Vulnerable to CC & Kiting
- Fairly weak as a frontliner

Kled's weaknesses are very obvious and will be exploited by competent lane opponents. Your goal is to play around your strengths and cover your weaknesses as best as you can. Playing around your passive Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard is key and can often be your downfall in certain matchups. Many toplaners like Garen and Urgot have powerful execute Ultimates that work well against your passive. Being dismounted also means you don't have Jousting to stick to targets, making you weak to kiting and CC. Using Chaaaaaaaarge!!! improperly can bait your team into a losing fight and will ruin the game. Try to avoid frontlining unless you are building heavy tank, since kled is very easy to kill once he dismounts.
Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol: This is Kled's main poke ability and will do the most damage when maxed compared to other abilities. This ability counts as a tether that also gives true sight, meaning it can bypass untargetable and invisible characters. An exception to this would be Akali and her Twilight Shroud invisibility because reasons (thanks riot). Otherwise it is a straight forward tether that pulls back opponents who stay in range long enough. It counts as hard crowd control, so it can cancel things like Teleport and Meditate.

Violent Tendencies: This is the ability that makes or breaks Kled in most matchups. Anything that can negate this, like Counter Strike, basically make Kled useless. Otherwise, it is a passive ability that activates when off cooldown and grants you increased attack speed with the fourth auto-attack doing heavy %HP damage. This ability has great synergy with Press the Attack.

Jousting: This is a powerful gap-closing tool that lets you follow Flashes and dashes, or even abilities like Arcane Shift. This ability gives one aimed dash and a second dash that follows any champion or large monster it hits initially, even over walls. Like Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol, hitting champions with this ability grants you temporary true sight against them. Use this with your Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol to stick to opponents relentlessly and beat them down with Violent Tendencies. This ability doesn't do very much damage early on, but can sometimes be just enough to determine a kill. So try to use the 2nd dash for a little extra damage between auto attacks.

Chaaaaaaaarge!!!: This ability is a great engage tool that lets your whole team follow you at high speed. Like Sion's Unstoppable Onslaught you are unstoppable for the duration, but cannot re-route the initial destination point. And you gain a pretty decent shield, which is nice. You also give movement speed to allies follow the trail left behind you. Upon locking onto a target in your path, you will follow them even if they Flash or dash away as long as you are locked onto them. This can be useful in initiating teamfights or can be used with Essence Reaver to effectively duel other champions when splitpushing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XKhaimeraX
XKhaimeraX Kled Guide
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Kled jungle s9 dominates the jungle

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