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Recommended Items
Runes: SET 1
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Caitlyn has the best range in the game. She will harass pretty often. You can’t trade with her because you can’t reach her! Your job is to survive. Try not to get poked too much, or hit a trap. Do not dash in her face because she will use her E. If you are pushed in your tower ask for a gank and watch out for an enemy jungler dive. If you are under tower she will poke you a lot. Janna, Soraka and Morgana are the best supports for you to have against Caitlyn.
Champion Build Guide
I am an italian Vayne Main.
I love playing her as much as I love my girlfriend.
I will create a complete guide for her both in italian and english for S9.
I am trying to set up a stream and and youtube channel so stay tuned.
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2018-12-23 ➠ (UPDATE) Intro updated, social links.
2018-12-26 ➠ (UPDATE) Guide published.
2018-12-27 ➠ (UPDATE) Name update.
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