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LeBlanc Build Guide by t4my

LeBlanc nerfs? New op build

LeBlanc nerfs? New op build

Updated on April 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author t4my Build Guide By t4my 5,104 Views 1 Comments
5,104 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author t4my LeBlanc Build Guide By t4my Updated on April 6, 2017
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Why LeBlanc?

LeBlanc got preety big nerf,some time ago, people don't ban her, becouse they think that she is bad now, they're wrong. Some people still max W and build Morello or something as 1st item. It's really bad and it don't work
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What should i buy after revolver?

There are 3 choices, it depend what u need. If u need more sustain, gunblade is great. Protobelt gives u cooldown reduction and great active, sometimes little dash can make huge diffirence. Last option is GLP, it's good when u have mana problems + better sustain, slow is helping preety often, but i like more little dash.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author t4my
t4my LeBlanc Guide
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LeBlanc nerfs? New op build

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