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Leona Build Guide by Kallya

Leona - One Huge Shield

Leona - One Huge Shield

Updated on July 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kallya Build Guide By Kallya 1,936 Views 0 Comments
1,936 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kallya Leona Build Guide By Kallya Updated on July 19, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



**Note that Leona stats are bugged on Mobafire atm (2200 health is impossible with all the health items @ lvl 18)**
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Why full magic resist?

-Simply because my build lacks MR and i dont like the low health on MR items.
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Warmog's Armor i rush this first, so you can be a beefy tank early on.

Mercury's Treads OR Ninja Taby. this depends on opposite team setup.

Rod of Ages because this makes you a bigger threat (you do more damage) and also gets you more of a beefy tank.

Frozen Heart Cooldown reduction on Leona is just wonderful + gives you Armor and slows auto-attacks.

Sunfire Aegis Adds to the threats, over your wonderful aoe shield spell. gives you more armor and health.

Randuin's Omen, a little more CDR, Armor, Health. The active is wonderful vs any melee.


Force of Nature instead of Randuin's, if the opposite team is too AP heavy

Banshee's Veil is another tool to counter AP heavy teams or CC Heavy.

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Summoner Spells

Flash Wondeful to close gaps or escape through a wall (makes that Exhaust easy to set up.

Exhaust Drastically reduces your targets damages for 3 seconds and slow its movement speed.

those are the 2 perfect Summoner spells for me.


Ghost choose between that or Flash.

Teleport gives you the ability to quickly jump in ganks.

Ignite if you want a little more firepower then i guess you can use this.


Heal help your team in teamfights but i personally dont reccomend it.

Clarity same thing as heal.
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Pros / Cons


- Wondeful CCs
- Nice range on ult (AOE stun too if used like a pro =D)
- your Zenith blade lets you get to your target quickly so you can stun him
- good tank boost from your Eclipse
- Farm like a pro mid/late game


-Kinda slow MS early
-Squishy early
-very team dependant
-lacks damage early game
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Thats it for now. I hope you like my build (try it before posting comments please).
If you have any suggestion, comments or ideas feel free to share CONSTRUCTIVE tips.

Thanks !
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kallya
Kallya Leona Guide
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Leona - One Huge Shield

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