basically unplayable, you can still play ad sion into this but youre laning phase is fucked unless ur jungler has a map of toplane, and even then its still darius.
Sion in general is countered by CC and high mobility and bruisers and Darius is basically that in one.
Same as darius
basically darius
basically the same as darius
insanely annoying whenever this guy somehow roams top or roams towards you or sets up a play against u or if u get caught in passive.
i wouldnt buy qss as a strat to kill morde could be using the passive but even if that doesnt work i still wouldnt buy qss as you probably wont win the matchup anyway. all i can really say is avoid his E. if you get qd then stand back then return. the lane is winnable however but his W will be annoying, dont ever take fights even if it looks relatively even if his energy bar is high, you will lose the fight as the morde will most likely land his Qs and Es.
skill matchup, bait her W before making plays and if she uses her W in the middle of your Q then just hold the Q for the final charge, it will outlast her parry. after that you can start your combos on her.
You will have a great laning phase it really just depends on how you play the lane. the champion should be easy to deal with if he isnt left alone, (which can obviously be a problem in low elo). Sion in general is a counter to nasus and for AD sion it should be a good lane. go Swiftness boots and Phase rush and it will be good. however around the midgame Nasus could be a problem if not dealt with and if he stacks. but that really falls on how you and your team plays the midgame.
should be a free lane too but it can get messy if you make a misplay.
should be a fine lane, this is a pretty biased area i put here though as i easily beat GPs but they can obviously be a problem to other players.
free lane if she somehow goes top
another free lane.
every gank is basically a kill if played properly, perfect jungle partner
same with fiddle to a lesser extent.
Miss Fortune
Combo with your ult and her ult if you catch a lot of enemies.
same with MF
as long as naut doesnt miss its amazing when its converted into the Sion Q and potentially a kill
every gank is basically a kill if played properly, perfect jungle partner
same with fiddle to a lesser extent.
Miss Fortune
Combo with your ult and her ult if you catch a lot of enemies.
same with MF
as long as naut doesnt miss its amazing when its converted into the Sion Q and potentially a kill
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