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Brand Build Guide by TheRandomPlaya

light em up take em down

light em up take em down

Updated on September 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRandomPlaya Build Guide By TheRandomPlaya 2,350 Views 0 Comments
2,350 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRandomPlaya Brand Build Guide By TheRandomPlaya Updated on September 10, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



To begin with start out with a and two

First trip back get and catalyst the protector + if you did really good grab

Third trip back and (recommended) or

later in game get giants belt and or if you farmed well and got kills

if you don't have these items by level 18 play very defensively and try to get as many assists and kills as you can i wouldn't recommend suiciding unless u get a 3/1 K/D ratio from it if you have these items continue to next step without taking this into consideration

now later in game when you really need ap get and

for your last item get either for a heavy ad opponent team or for a heavy ap opponent team
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ability combo

With brand the goal is to deal out as much damage as you can possible, now to do that you will want to start out with your then to stun opponent and finally for heavy damage and finally if pillar of flame just didn't cut it.
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Solo top: solo mid: lane bot.

Solo top:
Early game
First off begin by putting a skill point on and leash blue for your jungler (if he needs).
when you get to the lane vs 2 people if they have alot of range on you try to just let them push minions to your turret (ie caitlyn, kog maw, sometimes lux etc) and just last hit minions from your turret (its ok to use abilities just try to conserve your mana early game because you can only cast about 6 spells before its comepletely gone
call for ganks frequently if you're having some trouble

Mid game
around now you should be about 2-3 levels ahead of both the people your laned against (unless its 1v1 top) and should have items up to if you don't thats alright, you're a little behind but now that ganks start happening you should be about 100+ cs and can get some kills and assists now to get and
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRandomPlaya
TheRandomPlaya Brand Guide
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light em up take em down

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