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Lucian Build Guide by HottestFapper NA

ADC Lucian: Dancing With Thresh

ADC Lucian: Dancing With Thresh

Updated on September 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HottestFapper NA Build Guide By HottestFapper NA 1,624 Views 0 Comments
1,624 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HottestFapper NA Lucian Build Guide By HottestFapper NA Updated on September 6, 2017
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Farming on Lucian is pretty simple. Last hit, but don't use Q to push unless: The opponent is backing out and you want to shove to tower, or as a measure for counter shoving. Something to note: Your dash isn't a fixed range, you can baby dash just for the double auto and this can help greatly with CSing.
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Piercing Light: After the nerf, this move guzzles mana faster than a Hayato (I'm so sorry), so when you use it in lane about 4 or 5 times, you will probably be out of mana. This is why you have to make these Q's count. Using it for simple poke is OK, but when the opponent sees you're oom, they're more likely to all in and you'll be in a bad spot. Try to save it for counter shoving, shoving, and all ins.

Ardent Blaze: I don't know what to say about this move. It's only 2 purposes are to reset your autos to reduce CD on the dash, or to help you keep up with enemies as you cull them down. You can also use it for vision, but after that range nerf it's a little less effective in that regard.

Relentless Pursuit: This move is probably the most valuable move in the kit because of it's versatility and the cooldown. It's a mobility option and on top of that, adds on to your damage AND stick potential. Not much else to say about that. One tip I will give again is that you can use it as a "baby dash" basically dashing for no distance just to get the auto reset which is actually huge late game.

The Culling: Damage, wave clear, shred, and question mark pings are the fundamentals of this ability. Apart from that, a little trick I learned is that you can cull for a bunch of damage, and when they are low dont try to finish them off with the cull, just cancel the cull and use the double auto proc. Auto attacks are guaranteed which is how you can secure a kill using this trick.
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One Thing

One thing that is cool about Lucian is that you can basically completely ignore the front line by dashing all over the place and into the back line. This is really good when they have a pesky xerath or something sitting in the back of every fight.
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Well that's all I have to say about one of my favorite adc's. Thanks for taking the time to look at this and I hope I could help you in some way!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HottestFapper NA
HottestFapper NA Lucian Guide
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Lucian: Dancing With Thresh

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