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Lucian Build Guide by FrostyHL

Lucian - The power of light

Lucian - The power of light

Updated on September 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostyHL Build Guide By FrostyHL 2,157 Views 0 Comments
2,157 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostyHL Lucian Build Guide By FrostyHL Updated on September 19, 2013
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Hey guys Frosty here. This is a awesome build for lucian for you who recently started to play and are going for a 6300 champ. Peace
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Why i use Lucian

Lucian is in my opinion one of the best Adc in the game. I buyed him right after he came out. If you are looking for a op adc champ go with lucian. He's not so hard to learn and he is very fun to play
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Farming with lucian is very simple. Just use your Q to make them low then finish with W. And when you have stattik shiv its very easy.
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Tips for begginers

PLaying as lucian can be alittle difficult but thats why im here. Just use this build and masteries and runes and you should be just fine
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Pros / Cons

Pros. Hes passive is awesome because if they are low you can just dash and the your passive sets
in and you get 2 shots instead of one
Pros. He is very easy to get kills with because if you max your Q you will take a ton of damage
Pros. He is adc but works good mid too. If you go mid with lucian no one will expect it and you
Can poke them nearly to death.
Pros. When you're taking baron you can easly make him low with your ult and its just 40 sec
cooldown when maxed.

Cons. He's very squishy early game.
Cons. He also has mana probs early game.
Cons. The enemies can avoid you Q if they are fast and/or have a dash and expect your attack
Cons. Its kinda hard to use your ult because the way you throw it is the way you will face till
its done or when you quit it
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Soo hope you guys liked this build im new to this site but im not new to lol and im going to make more builds. So if you like this build please leave a like and suggest which build i should do next.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FrostyHL
FrostyHL Lucian Guide
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Lucian - The power of light

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