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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
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Thresh: Another annoying support to deal with he has a kit that can be tough to deal with but it's still possible to win lane if you focus on poly morphing him.
Lulu: The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might consider her magic at best unnatural, and at worst dangerous, she believes everyone could use a touch of enchantment.
With early game you want to hide in bushes and poke with your q and shield your adc at all cost and get them a easy kill. In team fights you want to be in the back line shielding and Wild Growthing the squishy champs so they can stay alive as long as possible. Use lock as well so your whole tteam will have a shield and it should be pretty easy to win a team fight.
Pix, Faerie Companion- This is a really good way to poke, and here's how first you E Help, Pix! onto a minion as it's walking to lane and if you see a enemy champion Q Glitterlance, then pix's Glitterlance will fire aswell, this also works if you E Help, Pix! your ADC
Glitterlance- This scales really good for some poke to be exact 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 50% AP) but also keep in mind that the slow acts differently in different situations such as, if it hits a minion Glitterlance will slow down but it's still easy to hit a champion with it. Read more about her Q here
Whimsy- This is amazing for ganking and the like, sense Lulu is the only champion with polymorph it makes it very unexpected and it also pairs well with a stun!
Help, Pix!- This is a gold mine of support Lulu I got this down to a T, I can shield pretty well. I even show off to were if someone is diving and a turret fired energy towards them I can block it with my shield no matter what. I also like the scaling which goes like 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 60% AP)
Wild Growth- And a very unique ult, Wild Growth can change a team fight, if planned right you could knock up a whole team and a Yasuo can come in and get a penta, or you could dive with it and give them health which scales as such 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 50% AP)
Glitterlance- This scales really good for some poke to be exact 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 50% AP) but also keep in mind that the slow acts differently in different situations such as, if it hits a minion Glitterlance will slow down but it's still easy to hit a champion with it. Read more about her Q here
Whimsy- This is amazing for ganking and the like, sense Lulu is the only champion with polymorph it makes it very unexpected and it also pairs well with a stun!
Help, Pix!- This is a gold mine of support Lulu I got this down to a T, I can shield pretty well. I even show off to were if someone is diving and a turret fired energy towards them I can block it with my shield no matter what. I also like the scaling which goes like 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 60% AP)
Wild Growth- And a very unique ult, Wild Growth can change a team fight, if planned right you could knock up a whole team and a Yasuo can come in and get a penta, or you could dive with it and give them health which scales as such 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 50% AP)
Let's use ALL the colors!
Heals and shields on allied champions (excluding yourself) enhance your basic attacks and theirs for 6 seconds. Granting you and them +10% - 30% (based on target's level) attack speed and 5 - 20 (based on target's level) bonus on-hit magic damage.
It also stacks with Spirit Visage giving a 43% total increase when directly healing anyone holding that item. Eye of the Watchers:
This item allows you to ward as much as you want without having to buy more. Also If you damage an enemy champion or structure 3 times every 30 seconds, the passive tribute grants 15G per 10. Plus 2G per 10 from the item, you can receive a total of 17G per 10. Boots of Swiftness:
I can not tell you how many times these have saved me from dying, I took them out of my build for a short time and I died quite a bit because of them. The boots Reduces the effectiveness of Slow icon slows by 25% meaning if you Glitterlance + self cast Whimsy you have the speed advantage and can get away from pretty much anyone. Zz'Rot Portal:
You can use the voidspawns as a distraction or just to take down a tower win split pushing, sense the first and every fourth voidspawn gain 15% of your maximum health as damage. You also gain +55 Armor and +55 Magic Resist. Zeke's Convergence:
Casting your ultimate near your ally summons a local frost storm for 10 seconds. As the storm rages, nearby enemies are slowed by 20% and your ally's attacks burn their targets for 50% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds you also get FROSTFIRE COVENANT. It also gives you +10% CDR with +250 mana with the +60 Armor and +30 Magic Resist this will go good with our next item on the list. Locket of the Iron Solari:
Locket gives the opposite +30 Armor and +60 Magic Resist this will give you +90 Armor and Magic Resist and also the Zz'Rot Portal this all plus your base should all equal to Lulu having +236.1 Armor and + 183.5 Magic Resist. Oracle Lens:
This is really nice to have to pick up wards well doing baron or any of the dragons, it's also helpful for picking up anyone with inadvisability. And you get the gold from destroying wards.
Summon Aery:
I take because it's nice to be able to have two shields always up even if it's a small shield.
Manaflow Band:
I take this for sustain purposes.
This will give you +10% CDR, this plus full build equals +40% CDR in all. Gathering Storm:
It was the only one I really liked but it does help with your shield being a bit bigger.
Magical Footwear:
I was going to take Future's Market, but decided that the gold wasnt worth it in the long run and I would save gold with this.
Cosmic Insight:
You gain +5% CDR giving you +45% CDR in all.
Summon Aery:
I take because it's nice to be able to have two shields always up even if it's a small shield.
Manaflow Band:
I take this for sustain purposes.
This will give you +10% CDR, this plus full build equals +40% CDR in all. Gathering Storm:
It was the only one I really liked but it does help with your shield being a bit bigger.
Magical Footwear:
I was going to take Future's Market, but decided that the gold wasnt worth it in the long run and I would save gold with this.
Cosmic Insight:
You gain +5% CDR giving you +45% CDR in all.
In laning you should try to get your EWQ combo off and if your ADC goes to far in E him before the tower shot hits and they should not take as little damage as possible. And if a jungler ganks try to Wild Growth them if they tower dive or to slow an enemy down.
This is important, I usually do it when I get first tower in the lane. I roam and try to help out other lanes that are not doing as well, you can help your team out a lot just by ganking because of all your CC and slows. With Lulu you can actually get A LOT of slows down if you build correctly (Not this build but I do have a slow build)
Very Good Ganks
Lots of Shields
Nice Poke
Good CC
Doesn't need a lot of AP
Can be sord of tanky
Around level 10 doesn't burn through mana as much
Lots of fun builds for her
Hard to pickup
Have to remember Help, Pix! and Whimsy can be used on both Allies and Enemies
Hard to pick the right time to Wild Growth
Goes through mana fast without runes
Slow movement speed early game
Very Good Ganks
Lots of Shields
Nice Poke
Good CC
Doesn't need a lot of AP
Can be sord of tanky
Around level 10 doesn't burn through mana as much
Lots of fun builds for her
Hard to pickup
Have to remember Help, Pix! and Whimsy can be used on both Allies and Enemies
Hard to pick the right time to Wild Growth
Goes through mana fast without runes
Slow movement speed early game
In all Lulu is my favorite champion because of how she looks and feels to play she can make Renekton or similar ults times two and she can really change a fight around. She also has enough damage to steal a baron and can disable really anyone she wants with her polymorph. Shes also great to have for taking out towers but she can't really get a kill going this build and I try not to take kills leaving my average at about 1 kill at most a game. But with her constant CC and being able to be in the back of a team fight and staying in the back well helping out everyone makes her a really nice support to play
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