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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Lulu The Great Slayer,
+ // Can turn enemies into squirrels!
+ // Max cooldown reduction with this build.
+ // Can make enemies visible (good for stealth chars).
+ // Nice health/resistance with this build.
+ // She has a movement speed buff.
+ // Can save an ally really easy.
+ // Great at the start of the game with her ranged attacks making enemy back away.
- // Low base movement speed.
- // Squishy early game.
- // She can be mana hungry if you're a spammer.
- // No non-ultimate healing ability.
+ // Can turn enemies into squirrels!
+ // Max cooldown reduction with this build.
+ // Can make enemies visible (good for stealth chars).
+ // Nice health/resistance with this build.
+ // She has a movement speed buff.
+ // Can save an ally really easy.
+ // Great at the start of the game with her ranged attacks making enemy back away.
- // Low base movement speed.
- // Squishy early game.
- // She can be mana hungry if you're a spammer.
- // No non-ultimate healing ability.
I have gone for runes which decrease your cool down time because towards the end of the game in the team fights turning the enemies main player into a squirrel all the time will start cancelling him out of the game, magic penetration will help all the way though the game increasing your attack damage will glitter dance from the game and the mana regen talks for its self.
I love to always play attack so that's why I have packed out the attack side and gone for a 21/5/4.
I love to always play attack so that's why I have packed out the attack side and gone for a 21/5/4.
After playing games with lulu i found out she was really slows, so for the first item i picked boots of swiftness which gives you the speed you will need to get to places quicker and escape from enemies.second item i choose is the archangel staff which should be picked up as quick as possible because of the affect it has also ability power. third item is the warmog amour witch at the start is handy to have because of lulu having really low health next we move onto the rylais crystal scepter which gives both ability power and health. Nest rabadons death cap for the ability power and finally a morellos evil tome for the cooldown reduction.
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