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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Harder match up, can definitely be a skill-matchup but usually counters you more than anything, I don't see her all that often but she is a pain when I do, just play it safe till you get out of laning phase.
Lulu, The Fae Sorceress
Yep, that tasted purple!
Her Passive Pix, Faerie Companion helps poke enemies and trade while in Lane, this makes protecting your ADC a lot easier than some champions that may rely on mana to poke and trade. | Glitterlance is a relativly low cost ability that has a fair cooldown that can be used to poke safely in lane regardless of the matchup. This is usually your best option as you can harass both the enemy ADC and Support while keeping a distance. | Whimsy is your move with arguably the hardest CC in your kit. You should max this before anything else if you are against a Draven, Blitzcrank, Vayne, Brand or Zyra |
Help, Pix! is pretty straight forward,Scales well with AP and is a reliable shield, Hard to land on allies and not on minions sometimes, Typically max this first. see the 3rd column |
Wild Growth is your ultimate and you max this whenever you can, synergies-es well with Yasuo with the built in knock-up and Slow, very good in large team-fights and provides good peel. |
Item Sequence
Usually you should rush Ardent Censer, its an extremely strong item and the buff is applied with Help, Pix! and Whimsy | Eye of watcher should be built second as you should quickly gain enough gold for it after having bought Ardent Censer | Redemption after the other two items as by now team will start/have started happening and this will be useful to keep your team healthy. |
Item Sequence
Mobility Boots are useful if your ADC/Carries are movement speed based or have a lot of it and you need to keep up with them on the other is also useful if the enemy team is extremely pushed up and you occasionally get picked off and need to get back quickly. | Ionian Boots of Lucidity are useful when you aren't that much ahead and are having prolonged team fights. this gives you both movement speed and CDR and you don't have to forfeit any of your other items for CDR. |
> Great Peel and CC
> Fairly Strong
> Doesn't fall off much if at all
> has good synergy with a lot of champs
> Very Squishy
> Difficult to land W in crowded areas
> Needs to stay with a team-mate
> Not amazing at roaming
Lulu& Varus
Lulu& Twitch
Lulu& Vayne
Lulu& Jinx
Lulu& Caitlyn
Lulu& Kog'Maw
Ok Pair
Lulu& Jhin
Lulu& Xayah
Lulu& Kai'Sa
Lulu& Tristana
Lulu& Ashe
Lulu& Draven
Lulu& Ezreal
Not A Great Pair
Lulu& Sivir
Lulu& Lucian
Lulu& Kalista
Lulu& Quinn
Lulu& Miss Fortune
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