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Recommended Items
Runes: damage-dealing runes and light durability
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Order of improvement of skills
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Yasuo is an excellent synergy. When you use r to yasuo on your opponent, you can easily use your R on the opponent you've tossed to finish it off.
Yasuo is an excellent synergy. When you use r to yasuo on your opponent, you can easily use your R on the opponent you've tossed to finish it off.
Champion Build Guide
Electrification is the best choice for one shots at Malphite because the combo under one shots or R + E + Q + W will inflict immediately adaptive damage
The below-the-belt strike is designed to deal additional damage from E+Q+W after using R malphite to toss the enemy
Eye Collection - Playing Malphite you will be collecting bonuses from this rune very quickly
Supercatch - this fleece is much needed to shorten the super skill of malphite which is crucial to one shot
Shield Thunder - With malphite passive skills, you're still a bonus to physical damage
Bone Armor is designed to reduce your damage when you're about to knock yourself out of super skills into your opponent
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