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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Hi guys !! :)
Nice to meet you !
My name is KyoukanPT, IĀ“m actually ranked GOLD at the EUW and I main this amazing champion, Malzahar.
Well, first of all, the reason IĀ“ve decided to create this guide is because many opponents keep on raging at me and calling me "noob champion". For 90 percent of them Malza is only his ult.
Well his ult is surely very powerful but he have other very powerful skills under his sleeve that many enemies forget or underrate. Until i surprise them with a combo and they end up dead :P.
Sometimes, some of my former team mates asked me to not pick Malzahar, because he is weak, brings nothing to the team and have no chance against most of the AP or AD mid champions.
Well, guess what ? They are wrong. And they started to realize it when they saw in first hand, MalzaharĀ“s insane damage.
In the picture below you can check some of my stats. While watching it, you can confirm how Malzahar is really powerful and how my builds are very reliable.
Malzahar is a very good teamplayer. His skills are very useful at teamfights.
With his Q you can silence the enemies up to 3 seconds.
With his W you can melt tanks health.
With his E, you can poke your enemies with this very powerful DOT and helps your team push the lane.
With his R, you can easily shut down the squishies ones or even suppress that enemy champion who his focusing your adc or an ally with low health, saving that way their lives and giving them time to run away or if possible, kill that enemy.
With his Q you can silence the enemies up to 3 seconds.
With his W you can melt tanks health.
With his E, you can poke your enemies with this very powerful DOT and helps your team push the lane.
With his R, you can easily shut down the squishies ones or even suppress that enemy champion who his focusing your adc or an ally with low health, saving that way their lives and giving them time to run away or if possible, kill that enemy.
Farming is what Malzahar does best. HeĀ“s a farming/pushing lanes beast. I recommend you to start with your E and then spam your skills so your Voidling is summoned and helps you farm.
I usually follow this order to Farm: Start with E, put W under the creeps wave and then clear the wave with my Q. It works like a charm ^^
I usually follow this order to Farm: Start with E, put W under the creeps wave and then clear the wave with my Q. It works like a charm ^^
- Insane damage
- Tanky
- One of the best 1vs1 champion
- Bully at lane phase with his E and Voidlings
- Amazing lane pusher
- Can easily harrass enemies or farm while under turret
- Very easy to gank
- Very low movement speed
- Unreliable passive
- Easy to get killed if mispositioning
- Insane damage
- Tanky
- One of the best 1vs1 champion
- Bully at lane phase with his E and Voidlings
- Amazing lane pusher
- Can easily harrass enemies or farm while under turret
- Very easy to gank
- Very low movement speed
- Unreliable passive
- Easy to get killed if mispositioning
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