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Malzahar Build Guide by pwatts

AP Carry Malzahar... King of Mids

AP Carry Malzahar... King of Mids

Updated on October 13, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pwatts Build Guide By pwatts 2,111 Views 0 Comments
2,111 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pwatts Malzahar Build Guide By pwatts Updated on October 13, 2013
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Early Laning

In early lane with Malzahar you will want to harass with your e. You will also need to get a lot of cs for this is very beneficial for Malzahar. Malzahar is VERY susceptible to ganks so you will never want to overextend. Don't be agressive with him until you get your ult.

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Malzahar Combo

Malzahar's combo can get many kills if you use it at the right times. First you will want to user your e(This is just for the extra damage.) Then you will out a pool under them.(This is your w and is very crucial to the combo.) After this you will ult on them and if they live q or e them once more to finish them off.

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Team Fights

In a team fight you will want to use your q and your e to harass their entire team. If u find their adc slightly separated use your combo on him and he will usually melt.

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Late Game

You must be very careful late game because Malzahar has no escape abilities. Use your abilites carefully and don't get caught without your ult up because you used it when it wasn't necessary. His combo is the main part of his combo, otherwise you are the king of harass. And remember you are a mage, and you are very squishy.

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Why use Mid Malzahar?

Malzahar is a very good mid. He has some of the best harass in the game, and has almost no counters. His voidlings are very good at taking turrets, and he has a silence for those pesky burst mids.

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Be careful against these champs

These are the only champs I have ever had trouble with:

• Anivia

• Kassadin

• Morgana

Against these champs you can just out farm them, and late game Malzahar will destroy their faces.

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Pros / Cons


• Great Farming, just use your e and restore mana while getting farm.

• King of harass

• Great burst and a silence ability

• Great ap ratios

• Mana restoring ability


• No escape

• Mana hungry early game

• low health early game

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