you can dodge his Q1 and Q2 sweetspots pretty easily and then just alphastrike when he goes for the q3 and if he w just walk out of it or flash or ult and walk out of it faster and if he tries to dash over a wall with e you can just follow him with alpha strike
her E is pretty annoying but just ult and dodge it she has 3 dashes on her ult so it is pretty difficult to follow her with alpha strike since she could dash once, wait out the alpha strike and just dash two times when you plop out of her
she is pretty annoying with all her dashes and her shroud but
idk if i have just met really bad akshan players or what but i have never struggled against akshan. just let him swing around to you then you just ult towards him, spam autos and Qs and he dies before he can say "boi what the dawg doin"
he has lots of cc which Yi don't like but you have pretty mixed damage with physical, magical and true so you melt him after all his cc unless his teamates comes and oneshots you while he CCs you
never played against this champ but you probably win since she don't have that much burst or CC
you cant really dodge his ult unless you go ultra insticts and predict his ult with an alphastrike
just q over her wall or ult and walk around it and just spamm autos and if she has passsive just auto the egg
if she good she stuns you and kills you but if she bad she just dies since she is a squishy mage
man i have no idea what this dude does but he is an adc so you one shot him but if its a aphelios otp he oneshots you
Yi's Ult counter ashe slow, just dodge her ult and you should be able to oneshot her
he just builds armor so you deal less damage to him and he scales with armor so he deals more damage to you, you can win against him if you snowball really hard. Rammus wins against Yi with far to little effort i perma ban him
He Has huge burst which Yi don't like, he has invis with ult which Yi don't like, he has even more burst after invis which Yi REALLY don't like
Malz is pretty annoying his ult is point and click cc which Yi don't like, his q is a silence which stops master yi from alpha striking which is nightmare fuel for every master yi main
just dodge her E and you just kill her for free , her w does nothing if you have ult active
just run towards him and auto attack him a couple times and then alpha strike he should die pretty quickly, if you have ult just runaway from his death bomb otherwise you can just tank it or time your w with his explosion
its pretty hard to 1v1 him once he gets some points inte his w and slows both your movespeed and autoattack speed unless you are really fed
just auto him and alpha strike him if he tries to escape with q or e. and if he ults you you can just use your w and meditate away all his kill potential
MR yi chills against this match up even though malphite counters most ad champs and thats cus Yis E deals true damage, you jsut have to be carefull of his ult so you dont get 100-0
Kayle is a 4-5 depending on how good the kayle player is since she can ult the dude you are trying to get kills and resets on instantly stopping your kill chain and if you try to kill her she just uses ult on herself, so you could try to make her low enough to use ult then you time the damage part with alphastrike and hopefully kill her andd then all her teamates
you win over him level 2-6 since he needs to reload but once he gets some items he starts to do damage and hurt you but you can alphastrike and dodge both his q and ult
she can sit on you while you alphastrike
his ult makes yi immortal and his q is easy stuns which gives master yi really good opening for multi kill chains
she can sit on you while you alphastrike
his ult makes yi immortal and his q is easy stuns which gives master yi really good opening for multi kill chains
So like I am me. I like making MOBAFIRE guides. This sections are for the peeps that likes to read stuff and don't just look at the build. Thank you for listening to my Tedtalk
Master Yi
So Master Yi is a hyper carry jungler, what that basically means is that he is a marksman without range and needs to use Smite but basically Master Yi needs gold LOTS OF GOLD so you wanna farm as many camps as possible and get as many kills as possible.
: You can pick Ghost in some matchups where you won't need Flash.
: Smite is a must if you play jungler since without it you are just useless. Gustwalker Smite is the best choice for Master Yi since the movement speed gives you more options and is really good later in the game when you need to rotate to diffrent objectives and lanes.
: Coup de Grace really helps killing enemies and getting that execute damage for more resets during big teamfights or 1v1 picks.
Secondary Rune Option 1
this are my personal favorite secondary rune tree choice, I like them because Magical Footwear is like a Treasure Hunter but you can pick Cosmic Insight which lowers the cooldown of flash and smite
:I like Magical Footwear because it gives around 450 gold worth of stats which is almost the same as the 550 gold from Treasure Hunter the diffrence is that you have to get takedowns on all enemies once to get the full effect from Treasure Hunter and you only have to get takedowns on any champion to reduce the cooldown and you will still get the Slightly Magical Boots if you don't get any takedowns while Treasure Hunter does nothing if you don't have any takedowns.
: Cosmic Insight almost cuts the Flash cooldown by 60 seconds which is absolutely crazy in todays economy. Cosmic Insight also lowers the cooldown of your Smite which in theory wouldd make you clear faster but it don't make that much of a diffrence in reality.
Secondary Rune Option 2
This runepage is more to have fun since Master Yi don't scale that much with flat ad. I don't recommend using this runepage unless your ranked games are 40 min+ or you just want to try something fun in draft
: Death's Dance is most effective against ad burst comps but that does not mean that it's bad against ap burst infact it's pretty good against burst in general.
: Titanic Hydra both gives great AOE On-Hit and lots of health.
:You basically build Jak'Sho, The Protean if you don't need more damage and need more survivability. Some examples are if enemy team is really squishy like tank with only magic resist items or your team already has lots of damage like a fed hyper carry like Vayne or a fed assassin like Fizz mid.
:you can buy Sterak's Gage when you already have enough damage and need the tenacity and shield.
A second point in Alpha Strike makes your fullclear faster compared to a point in Meditate. You can do this if you know that you are going to full clear your jungle or won't fight pre level 4.
level 3 fight
Ability Sequence
Use this skill order if you want to fight before level 4 (early gank) since Meditate is more usefull in that scenario than a second point in Alpha Strike.
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