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Master Yi Build Guide by DEG310

Jungle Master Sigma

Jungle Master Sigma

Updated on November 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DEG310 Build Guide By DEG310 2,957 Views 1 Comments
2,957 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DEG310 Master Yi Build Guide By DEG310 Updated on November 18, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Master Sigma

By DEG310


So like I am me. I like making MOBAFIRE guides. This sections are for the peeps that likes to read stuff and don't just look at the build. Thank you for listening to my Tedtalk

Master Yi

So Master Yi is a hyper carry jungler, what that basically means is that he is a marksman without range and needs to use Smite but basically Master Yi needs gold LOTS OF GOLD so you wanna farm as many camps as possible and get as many kills as possible.
Summoner Spells

Summoner spell options

: Flash is a very versitile summoner spell, you can reach pretty far with Flash and Alpha Strike.
: You can pick Ghost in some matchups where you won't need Flash.

: Smite is a must if you play jungler since without it you are just useless. Gustwalker Smite is the best choice for Master Yi since the movement speed gives you more options and is really good later in the game when you need to rotate to diffrent objectives and lanes.
: Mosstomper Smite used to be good on Master Yi when it still gave Tenacity but the shield still helps Master Yi against burst damage.
: Scorchclaw Smite only really brings more damage to the table which Master Yi already has loads of. Scorchclaw Smite is not very good when you could otherwise pick more Movement Speed with Gustwalker Smite or a shield from Mosstomper Smite.


Rune Pages

Primary Rune Tree

:Both the Attack Speed and On-Hit synergieses well with Master Yi since he auto attacks alot. More Attack Speed is more auto attacks and more auto attacks are more Alpha Strikes and more Alpha Strikes are more kills.
: Triumph is really good on Master Yi when going for the multi kill resets since Triumph will make sure that you have HP when fighting.
: Master Yi really likes auto attacking and Legend: Alacrity gives Attack Speed which in turn gives more auto attacks.
: Coup de Grace really helps killing enemies and getting that execute damage for more resets during big teamfights or 1v1 picks.

Secondary Rune Option 1

this are my personal favorite secondary rune tree choice, I like them because Magical Footwear is like a Treasure Hunter but you can pick Cosmic Insight which lowers the cooldown of flash and smite
:I like Magical Footwear because it gives around 450 gold worth of stats which is almost the same as the 550 gold from Treasure Hunter the diffrence is that you have to get takedowns on all enemies once to get the full effect from Treasure Hunter and you only have to get takedowns on any champion to reduce the cooldown and you will still get the Slightly Magical Boots if you don't get any takedowns while Treasure Hunter does nothing if you don't have any takedowns.
: Cosmic Insight almost cuts the Flash cooldown by 60 seconds which is absolutely crazy in todays economy. Cosmic Insight also lowers the cooldown of your Smite which in theory wouldd make you clear faster but it don't make that much of a diffrence in reality.

Secondary Rune Option 2

This runepage is more to have fun since Master Yi don't scale that much with flat ad. I don't recommend using this runepage unless your ranked games are 40 min+ or you just want to try something fun in draft
: Absolute Focus gives 18 free ad as long as you are abow 70% health.
: Gathering Storm gives lots of free ad depending on how long the match is.

Seconddary Rune Option 3

Use this Rune Option if you want to be extra tanky, I would recommend buying Titanic Hydra and items that give you restince like Death's Dance, Wit's End and Guardian Angel if you use this rune option.
: Conditioning is a mid to late game rune since it has no effect before 12 minutes so only go this if you feel like you have a safe early game.
: Overgrowth gives lots of free health which over time combined Conditioning and items like Death's Dance and Wit's End and the lifesteal from Blade of the Ruined King will make you pretty tanky late game.

Core Items

: Blade of the Ruined King is really good on Master Yi since his Alpha Strike procs on-hit effects, the slow is really good for chasing and the lifesteal helps with both duals and teamfights.
:I usually either get Slightly Magical Boots or buy T1 Boots and just sit on them and buy other items like Guinsoo's Rageblade and Kraken Slayer before finishing Berserker's Greaves.
: Guinsoo's Rageblade gives lots of Attack Speed and when fully stacked procs every on-hit effects twice every 3rd auto attack.

Full Build Option

Basically you want to build this items everygame
: Kraken Slayer good.
: Wit's End is really good on Master Yi since it has lots of on-hit damage, lots of attackspeed and Tenacity and the magic resist is really good even if there is only one ability power enemy.
: Death's Dance is most effective against ad burst comps but that does not mean that it's bad against ap burst infact it's pretty good against burst in general.
: Titanic Hydra both gives great AOE On-Hit and lots of health.
:You basically build Jak'Sho, The Protean if you don't need more damage and need more survivability. Some examples are if enemy team is really squishy like tank with only magic resist items or your team already has lots of damage like a fed hyper carry like Vayne or a fed assassin like Fizz mid.
:you can buy Sterak's Gage when you already have enough damage and need the tenacity and shield.
: Guardian Angel is really good late game where you often take game deciding fights where the team that wins the fight wins the game. Guardian Angel is really bad if the passive is on cooldown so if you are in base, just sell it and buy something else like Death's Dance, Titanic Hydra or Jak'Sho, The Protean.

Skill Order

Standard full clear

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A second point in Alpha Strike makes your fullclear faster compared to a point in Meditate. You can do this if you know that you are going to full clear your jungle or won't fight pre level 4.

level 3 fight

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Use this skill order if you want to fight before level 4 (early gank) since Meditate is more usefull in that scenario than a second point in Alpha Strike.
Other Guides
here are my other guides:
Tristana: (pretty outdated)Click her(if you dare)

Twitch:(also pretty outdated)click here!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DEG310
DEG310 Master Yi Guide
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Master Sigma

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