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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Runes are the core of getting First Blood as Master Yi Mid, since at level 1 we cant itemize much! These Runes Will ensure that you do as much Damage as possible early! So you can snowball! The Main Rune here is Hail Of Blades! Its ABSOLUTELY BROKEN ON YI! It gives you 75% attack speed at level 1 on your first 3 basic attacks! ITS INSANE! As you guys know Master Yi has a passive where after landing 3 basic attacks, his next basic attack will be a double strike!! Now with that Rune you can get your passive up SUPER FAST! Which results in a huge burst damage! Sudden Impact is for your Alpha Strike, it gives a little extra damage on it. Every little damage counts, they add up overtime! Eyeball collection will not help early but gives some extra damage later. Same for Ravenous Hunter, except that it will give you some lifesteal! For Secondary Runes we go Precision! Mid laners often start with Ignite! We do as well. But we use it in a specific way I will explain it later! Basically Triumph heals you for a percantage of your Missing Health! Basically if the Enemy has ignited you, but you killed him right before, Triumph will proc and outheal the Ignite! Also you can use your Meditate (W) if its not on cooldown! Coup the Grace Rune is just to help you finish them off easier!
For starting Items we will go with Dorans Blade and a Potion! Its perfect for dueling early game. Then we will have 6 core items. Always the same 6. Our role in this game is to do as much damage as possible. Kill the back line fast (Their ADC , MID LANER), then try to kill the rest. So to achive this we will go with a Full Lethality Build Build! Our 6 Core Items are:
Yoomus Ghostblade
Edge of Night
Spear of Shojin (next season can use Statikk Shiv or a new Lethality Item)
And boots of Choice. IF ahead go with Beserkers Greaves
Those Items will ensure an Insane amount of Burst damage. But you are very squishy! That means you can die easy! So you have to make sure that you take an assassin aproach and sneak behind the enemy and kill their main damage dealers first. You can kill them fast i guarantee. And if you are good enough you can get a tons of quadras and pentas! If you die after killing the adc and mid laner, you still helped a lot for your team!
Yoomus Ghostblade
Edge of Night
Spear of Shojin (next season can use Statikk Shiv or a new Lethality Item)
And boots of Choice. IF ahead go with Beserkers Greaves
Those Items will ensure an Insane amount of Burst damage. But you are very squishy! That means you can die easy! So you have to make sure that you take an assassin aproach and sneak behind the enemy and kill their main damage dealers first. You can kill them fast i guarantee. And if you are good enough you can get a tons of quadras and pentas! If you die after killing the adc and mid laner, you still helped a lot for your team!
- Lots of damage compare to most of the champions Before level 6
- Simple Mechanics
- Huge potential to get FIrst Blood
- If you follow the guide and get 1-2 Kills early, you can Snowball super hard
- People wont excpect the damage and Yi in mid lane
- Depends on Matchup, it wil be Harder to Farm (CS)
- If you fall behind you will have harder time coming back than normally
- If you will not have a good game, all your teammates will blame you
- Squishy late game, need lots of skill to survive and reflex
- Lots of damage compare to most of the champions Before level 6
- Simple Mechanics
- Huge potential to get FIrst Blood
- If you follow the guide and get 1-2 Kills early, you can Snowball super hard
- People wont excpect the damage and Yi in mid lane
- Depends on Matchup, it wil be Harder to Farm (CS)
- If you fall behind you will have harder time coming back than normally
- If you will not have a good game, all your teammates will blame you
- Squishy late game, need lots of skill to survive and reflex
At level 6 if you can Kill your Enemy Mid Laner, you should Shove Wawe and Roam to Bot side to pick up an easy kil. WHen you will be level 6, probably bot lane will be level 4-5, so you will have an easy time killing them or at least on of them!
Late game you have to be sneaky and explosive. Make a good decision on when you engange! Preferably right after your team engaged or pinned someone down with CC (crowd control). Then you engage form the sides or back to kill the enemy ADC and Mid Laner. Whoever the most squishy and whoever does the most damage! If you have Flash you can engage from the front by flashing in. But its more risky.
Late game you have to be sneaky and explosive. Make a good decision on when you engange! Preferably right after your team engaged or pinned someone down with CC (crowd control). Then you engage form the sides or back to kill the enemy ADC and Mid Laner. Whoever the most squishy and whoever does the most damage! If you have Flash you can engage from the front by flashing in. But its more risky.
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