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Elise Build Guide by BillyT993

Assassin Mid land ELISE [S5 Asassin MID/TOP]

Assassin Mid land ELISE [S5 Asassin MID/TOP]

Updated on August 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BillyT993 Build Guide By BillyT993 4,546 Views 0 Comments
4,546 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BillyT993 Elise Build Guide By BillyT993 Updated on August 13, 2015
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Newbie guide

Elise bursting will always make them say "WTF DMG" and cry :))

For the most powerful burst you need to know how to combo correctly :)

You engage with your E - COCOON (skillshot, so don't miss it). Send the W (Volatile spiderling) to the target and cast the Q (Neurotoxin) on your target . Change to spider form and W->Q on the target as fast as you can.
This will increase your and your spiderling's attack speed.
This burst will usually take down at least 1/2 of the target's hp.

So, as a recap :
Human-form : E->W->Q -->> Spider-form : (FAST) W->Q.

Now all you need to do is keep attacking with the base attack in Spider-form because you have spiderlings dealing extra damage. If needed IGNITE and he should be done.

If you need to pursue or evade use RAPPEL and cast it on an enemy minion wich is in a good position for you to land and you also have the flash for extra evade.


The W spider from human form will jump on the target you cast your Spider-form Q. So if you are fast enough you burst him within the 1.6 seconds of stun he has from COCOON :)

Also remember to use your passive, cast spells to respawn the spiderlings that died for the Spider-form.

The firstblood is the easiest for Elise as soon as she is lvl 3 because at this level you have your burst. If you take the target to half hp before you hit LVL 3 make sure you have at least 200 mana. If you do then it's secured kill if you get your skillshot E COCOON. You might even ned the IGNITE but it's worth.

After you get rid of your enemy and still have spiderlings use your passive and W->Q enemy minions to gain your hp back. Until your laner is back you should be almost FULL-HP. If you consider you can back and get an item it's ok, do it. You have the gold advantage, you can have the AP advantage too.

This would be it, but if you have questions I will update the guide and answer :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BillyT993
BillyT993 Elise Guide
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