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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Rory the roman

AD Carry Miss fortune for dummies

AD Carry Miss fortune for dummies

Updated on March 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rory the roman Build Guide By Rory the roman 1,720 Views 0 Comments
1,720 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rory the roman Miss Fortune Build Guide By Rory the roman Updated on March 15, 2013
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There's not much to say about me, i am no pro player but i've been playing this game for quite a bit and i can honestly say that i have a pretty decent theoritical play.
I also feel like i have a good grasp on that champion.
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Summoner spells

I choose flash ignite because it has amazing offensive possibilities and the flash can save your life during games or tight situation.
Because MF has no escape move i always choose flash over ghost.
Against CC heavy teams you can always take cleanse instead of ignite
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Pros / Cons

Insane early/mid game
Good farming animation
Good harassing potential
Fast even with out boots
Ult can turn the tide of a battle

Falls off late game
No escape mechanic
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Abilities and skill description

You should max your Q first and use it as much as possible on the last minion in the wave so it can bounce back and hit the champion behind them

You should use your w in most of the engagement because it a) Gives you more attack speed and b) it reduces the healing received by the enemy

Your e should be used while chasing to get closer, to clear minions if the lane is pushed and before your ult to slow them while they are in the cone

Your ultimate ability is really strong early to mid game but fall off a bit late game if your team has aoe cc for exemple a stun or a slow make sure to use your ult during so the ennemies won't be able to escape. Also always keep in mind that the range is pretty good.
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Those are the runes i take to play any of my Adc's.
I get one extra rune of crit strike because one lucky crit can turn the tide of a teamfight.
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Good lane partner

Taric is I think the best lane partner MF can have since he got hard cc and heal.

Sona is also a good support for MF because of her ultimate and because she got incredible sustain.

Nami too even if she isn't really played is a great support for MF
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rory the roman
Rory the roman Miss Fortune Guide
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Miss fortune for dummies

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