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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
I also feel like i have a good grasp on that champion.
You should max your Q first and use it as much as possible on the last minion in the wave so it can bounce back and hit the champion behind them
You should use your w in most of the engagement because it a) Gives you more attack speed and b) it reduces the healing received by the enemy
Your e should be used while chasing to get closer, to clear minions if the lane is pushed and before your ult to slow them while they are in the cone
Your ultimate ability is really strong early to mid game but fall off a bit late game if your team has aoe cc for exemple a stun or a slow make sure to use your ult during so the ennemies won't be able to escape. Also always keep in mind that the range is pretty good.
You should use your w in most of the engagement because it a) Gives you more attack speed and b) it reduces the healing received by the enemy
Your e should be used while chasing to get closer, to clear minions if the lane is pushed and before your ult to slow them while they are in the cone
Your ultimate ability is really strong early to mid game but fall off a bit late game if your team has aoe cc for exemple a stun or a slow make sure to use your ult during so the ennemies won't be able to escape. Also always keep in mind that the range is pretty good.
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